Vette Magazine – November 2019

(Nandana) #1


Releasing pressure from the floor jack allows the rear-
end to rotate back to its resting place against the differ-
ential mount cushion. Now we can install the large washer,
lock washer and nut, using a ratchet on the bottom side and a
wrench on the top side.


Now it’s time to re-install the strut rods, using the same
hardware that we removed earlier.


Luckily, this par-
ticular car has an
exhaust system that
dumps just before the
rearend so our rearend
repair is finished. On
a typical C2 (without
side pipes), the exhaust
system would’ve likely
interfered with our
ability to lower the


With the rearend bolted in place, we can install the rear
portion of the driveshaft to the pinion yoke. Notice the
scrapes on the yoke where it contacted the driveshaft tunnel.


If you’re working on a smooth concrete surface; your
floor jack will want to slide when you apply pressure to
the leaf spring. You can either install a clamp on the leaf spring
near the jacking surface, or in our case, a rubber mat on the floor
will keep the jack stable while you re-install the nuts on the leaf
spring bolts.

50 VETTE 19.11


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