Garuda VI
90 // September 2019 #378
in France
The GarudaseriesofexercisesinvolvingtheFrenchand
IndianAirForcesis heldeverythreetofouryears,alternating
betweenbothcountries. Joris van Boven and Alex van Noye
attendedtherecentiteration atMont-de-Marsan.
Above: No 24 Squadron’s Su-30MKI SB423 gets airborne from Mont-de-Marsan on July 10.
Four IAF ‘Flankers’ from Bareilly AFS arrived in France on June 28 to take part in the bilateral
exercise. All photos Joris van Boven and Alex van Noye unless stated
90-93 FlankersinFrance AFM Sep2019.indd 90 7/30/2019 3:44:45 PM