2019-09-01 Reader\'s Digest

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

While serving on the
USS Fulton (AS-11),
in New London, Con-
necticut, a fellow sailor
and I were topside. He
leaned over the railing
and opened his mouth
to say something. As
he did, his uppers fell
out and sank to the
bottom of the Thames
River. He didn’t seem

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too bothered, though.
“That’s OK,” he said.
“My serial number’s
engraved on them.”
—Pavel Wilson
Old Saybrook,

When my daughter had
her baby, I flew down
to the Naval Air Station
in Kingsville, Texas,
where her husband
was stationed, to help.
My first job was to fig-
ure out why there was
no hot water. I found
the water heater and
soon discovered the

problem—it was set
too low. So I raised it.
My daughter was so
impressed she bragged
to her husband that I’d
fixed the water heater.
“Well, I don’t know
anything about water
heaters,” he said. “I’m
a jet engine mechanic.”
—Bettie W. Cashion
Picayune, Mississippi

“Sir, 29 Across is classified too. They’re all classified.”

Reader’s Digest

Cartoon by P. C. V e y rd.com 101

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