2019-09-01 Reader\'s Digest

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

I learned that these unpredictable crying episodes

could be symptoms of PBA, which can be effectively treated


If you are bothered by sudden, frequent, uncontrollable episodes of crying and/or
laughing that are exaggerated or simply don’t match how you feel, you might have
PBA (PseudoBulbar Affect).

PBA can follow certain neurological conditions or brain injury. When these crying and/or
laughing episodes occur, they can seem out of place and confusing.

If you or someone you care about is experiencing PBA symptoms, talk to a doctor about

the first and only FDA-approved treatment for PBA, NUEDEXTA.

Think you could have PBA?
Read Carol’s story at NUEDEXTA.COM

  • Carol,
    patient with TBI and PBA
    taking NUEDEXTA

“After treatment


I experienced fewer


crying episodes




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