2019-09-01 Reader\'s Digest

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

  1. bauble n.
    ashowy trinket.
    bflawed gemstone.
    cset of bracelets.

  2. gilt adj.
    bfinely carved.
    ccovered in gold.

  3. carat n.
    aunit of weight.
    bmeasure of clarity.
    cdepth of color.

  4. amulet n.
    bprotective charm.
    cadjustable clasp.

Break out your bling—Word
Power is going glam! This month
we’re shining the spotlight on
glittery words related to jewelry.
Will your score be as good as gold?
Turn to page 122 for the answers.

By Sarah Chassé

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download the Reader’s Digest app.


  1. citrine n.
    apink sapphire.
    byellow quartz.
    cgreen topaz.

  2. adorn v.
    adetermine value.
    bmake beautiful.
    cbend into shape.

  3. baguette n.
    abeaded purse.
    bcocktail ring.
    crectangular stone.

  4. filigree n.
    avintage brass.
    cdelicate metalwork.

  5. palladium n.
    afool’s gold.
    bpinkie ring.
    csilver-white metal.

  6. facet n.
    asurface on a cut gem.
    bnose stud.
    cprice per ounce.

  7. rondelle n.
    aheavy brooch.
    blong necklace.
    cjeweled ring.

  8. iridescent adj.
    bhaving rainbow colors.
    cmade of glass.

  9. alloy n.
    amixture of metals.
    bgray pearl.
    cprecious mineral.

  10. solitaire n.
    aloop in a chain.
    bgem set alone.
    cwhite metal.

  11. girandole n.
    apendant earring.
    brare moonstone.
    ccuff link.

Reader’s Digest The Genius Section

120 september 2019 | rd.com

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