2019-09-01 Reader\'s Digest

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
calling than farming, just like Dad.
Then, one April morning, my father
was felled by a massive heart attack, at
age 68. The entire family was shocked
by his passing, none more than me.
Why I ventured out to that old
house on a day shortly after my fa-
ther’s funeral is still beyond me. It
was as though it were calling; even the
trees seemed to whisper an invitation
to come, to visit, to tarry awhile.

As I stood once again on that an-
cient linoleum, my eye was drawn to
a jumble of papers on the floor. An
envelope, yellowed with age, lay on
top. A blue stamp on the envelope
read “Passed by Naval Censor.” How
could I have missed this artifact? My
father had served aboard the USS
Washington during World War II and
had written home whenever he could.
My grandmother saved all of his letters.
I removed one letter carefully from
its envelope. It was dated Septem-
ber 1944. My father would have been

somewhere in the South Pacific at that
time and all of 18 years old. I studied
the familiar scrawl. Dad wondered
how the oat harvest had been and
how his uncle’s new team of horses
was working out. He supposed that
his youngest brother was starting first
grade and imagined that he was be-
coming quite the little man. He asked
his mother to greet everyone and said
that he missed them all.
It wasn’t hard to read between the
lines. Here was a homesick young man,
a kid really, who had spent his entire
life dwelling upon a sea of prairie grass.
Now he was on a different kind of sea,
an ocean that was being roiled by the
thunder and the lightning of a world
at war. At the bottom of the page, in
underlined print, my father had passed
on one last message. Tears burned my
eyes as I read those words he had so
carefully emphasized: “All is well here.
Please don’t worry. I am doing fine.”
As I left the old house that day, I took
one last glance back at it over my shoul-
der. I don’t care what anyone thinks, I
decided. That old house gets to stay
there until it rots into the earth. RD
from the book dear country agent guy by jerry
nelson, copyright © 2016 by jerry nelson.
reprinted with permission by workman publishing.
all rights reserved.

An Online Connection
My girlfriend and I are sharing an Amazon account.
We’re Prime-mates.


Reader’s Digest Life Well Lived

26 september 2019

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