Car India – August 2019

(ff) #1

TwinPower Turbo’d to produce 340 hp and 500 Nm — up 34 hpand 50 NmonthesDrive35i
we drove over five years ago. The new eight-speed automatictransmissiondrivestherearaxle
and the squat under acceleration makes that rather prominent.Itzoomedeffortlessfromzero
to 100 km/h in five seconds, and maintained steam closingintowardsitstopspeed.Therear,
once hooked in, is astoundingly reassuring and the beautifullyweightedsteeringcomplements
that just as well as it should. There isn’t a bulky planted feel,althoughits1,535kgisevident.
The suspension is stiffer in Sport, as compared to Comfortmodes,andthesteeringfeelisa
bit heavier with more turn-in response, but, here, when you’rebasicallyindrag,it letsitstail-
happy nature slip initially, but only enough for the tractioncontroltotightenitsholdonthe
leash. That capability is augmented by the progressive
brakes and adaptive damped suspension which makes
carving corners and attacking hair-pins confident fun.
The power deliveryisinstant,yetthemotor’srevsaren’t
used unnecessarily.Thegearboxdoesa finejobof
keeping the motor
response in anygea
While we’re atit
the power to justab
dulling the needto
the efficiency, with
registering in thete
traffic brings thenu
There is no short
the ones with them

alert, lane-departure alert,andcollisionwarning,inthatorder.Thelarger
head-updisplayisa hugebonusandinformsofeverythingfromaudio

(Left) Visibility
at the rearreally
not hampered
(Right) That’s
all the M weget
for now;
281-litre boot
enough; doors
auto unlock
when key-fobis
within two
metres distance
(Below right)
Black 19-inch
alloys looksharp

on theboilfora more-than-adequate
ar atanyspeedinanydrivemode.
,EcoProdoesafinejobby throttling
rev,butalsodoinga stellarjobwith
ahighwayfigureofaround 12 km/l
tage ofdriveraids and, while intraffic,
mostengagement aretheblind-spot

undividedattention,buttherestweretakeninstride.The capabilityofthe
Z4iscommendable andwhile it isindeedintendedtobe the ultimate
lotmoregoingforit andit shows.It’s moreliveable withthanwhatIfirst
imaginedit tobe and, while the excitementtoenticeteenagerswithfreshly
issueddrivinglicencesisundeniably present,itsappealtothoselookingfor
amorematurecarthatdoesn’t shyawayfromblisteringspeeds is
unequivocally communicated.

BMW Z4 M40i | Road Test August 2019 CAR INDIA 93

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