Autosport – 22 August 2019

(Barré) #1
King leads Miracco on way
to redemption in finale

Young sent Coates
spinning at final corner

Hammerton inherited
his maiden victory




It is now four consecutive races in which
the first Renault UK Clio Cup driver to
take the flag has not been declared the
winner, because both Thruxton results
were altered in the clerk’s room.
Brett Lidsey claimed his maiden series
pole for the opener but he was too quick
away and was handed a 10-second penalty.
That didn’t stop him playing a part in a
thrilling race that more resembled a Formula
Ford slipstreamer than a tin-top contest as
Lidsey, Max Coates, Jack Young and Jamie
Bond were constantly changing positions.
It appeared that Coates had triumphed,

but he was demoted behind Young after
passing him off the circuit at the Club
chicane and not giving the place back.
The second race was all about Coates
and Young after early leader Ben Colburn
dropped back before having a lurid spin
at Church. Coates again had the advantage
on the last lap, but Young attempted to
get ahead at the final chicane. Instead he
succeeded in spinning a furious Coates
around into a tyre stack (see news) and
was excluded post-race. That meant the
surprise final result featured a first win
for Ethan Hammerton, with Bond second
and debutant Tyler Lidsey third.


The combination of a terrific weekend
for Will Burns and wretched luck for
Harry King at Thruxton changed the
complexion of the Ginetta GT4
Supercup championship fight.
It hadn’t looked to be that way when
King led race one from pole until the
final lap. Getting a better exit from Club,
Burns tried a move into Allard. King shut
the door and there was slight contact
between his right-rear wheel and Burns’s
splitter. It was enough to puncture
King’s tyre and he trailed around to
retire, as Burns won from Tom Hibbert.

Worse was to come for King in race
two, as his driveshaft failed on the
green-flag lap for the second time this
season, while Mike Epps suffered a
similar fate. Burns took full advantage
as he again led home Hibbert.
From the back of the Pro grid in race
three, King salvaged something from
the weekend, making the most of his
fresher tyres to scythe through the
field and chase down Carlito Miracco
for the win. Miracco held second, his
best result in the championship, while
Burns prevailed in a titanic scrap for
third with Epps and Hibbert.

More penalties as rivals clash

King’s rule hit by rival Burns


Race 1 (11 laps) 1 James Hedley; 2 Zak
O’Sullivan +2.803s; 3 Lorcan Hanafin; 4 Joel
Pearson; 5 Ben O’Hare; 6 Casper Stevenson.
FL Hedley 1m32.657s (91.53mph). P Hedley. S 21.
Race 2 (9 laps) 1 O’Sullivan; 2 Will Martin
+1.796s; 3 Hedley; 4 Stevenson; 5 Pearson;
6 Joshua Rattican. FL Hedley 1m32.644s
(91.55mph). P Hedley. S 21.
Race 3 (12 laps) 1 Martin; 2 O’Sullivan +0.242s;
3 Hanafin; 4 Stevenson; 5 Gus Burton;
6 Rattican. FL Hedley 1m32.685s (91.51mph).
P O’Sullivan. S 19.
Points 1 Hedley 472; 2 O’Sullivan 422; 3 Martin
383; 4 Stevenson 313; 5 Burton 269; 6 Hanafin 249.

Race 1 (16 laps) 1 Carter Williams; 2 Sebastian
Alvarez +3.569s; 3 Josh Skelton; 4 Luke Browning;
5 Tommy Foster; 6 Zane Maloney. FL Alvarez
1m14.463s (113.90mph). P Browning. S 13.
Race 2 (16 laps) 1 Skelton; 2 T Foster +0.435s; 3
Alvarez; 4 Browning; 5 Maloney; 6 Williams. FL Louis
Foster 1m14.638s (113.63mph). P Maloney. S 13.
Race 3 (16 laps) 1 Williams; 2 Skelton +0.342s;
3 L Foster; 4 Bart Horsten; 5 Alvarez; 6 Maloney.
FL Alvarez 1m14.241s (114.24mph).
P Browning. S 13.
Points 1 Maloney 310; 2 Alvarez 273; 3 L Foster
237; 4 Skelton 230.5; 5 Horsten 201.5; 6 T Foster 165.

Race 1 (12 laps) 1 Jack Young; 2 Max Coates
+0.005s; 3 Jamie Bond; 4 Ben Colburn; 5 Ethan
Hammerton; 6 Jade Edwards. FL Bond 1m23.918s
(101.07mph). P Brett Lidsey. S 10.
Race 2 (15 laps) 1 Hammerton; 2 Bond +3.655s;
3 Tyler Lidsey; 4 Luke Warr; 5 Edwards; 6 Colburn.
FL Coates 1m23.911s (101.07mph). P Coates. S 10.
Points 1 Coates 240; 2 Young 234; 3 Bond 208;
4 B Lidsey 197; 5 Colburn 172; 6 Hammerton 164.

Race 1 (12 laps) 1 Will Burns; 2 Tom Hibbert
+0.443s; 3 Reece Somerfield; 4 Carlito Miracco;
5 Michael Epps; 6 Fin Green. FL Burns 1m16.004s
(111.59mph). P Harry King. S 14.
Race 2 (15 laps) 1 Burns; 2 Hibbert +0.867s;
3 Green; 4 Colin White; 5 Miracco; 6 Somerfield.
FL Hibbert 1m15.512s (112.32mph). P Burns. S 14.
Race 3 (16 laps) 1 King; 2 Miracco +3.168s;
3 Burns; 4 Epps; 5 Hibbert; 6 Nathan Heathcote.
FL Miracco 1m16.280s (111.19mph). P Somerfield.
S 14. Points 1 Burns 364; 2 King 351; 3 Hibbert
333; 4 Somerfield 300; 5 Epps 262; 6 Miracco 201.

Race 1 (20 laps) 1 Daniel Harper; 2 Josh Webster
+5.982s; 3 George Gamble; 4 Seb Perez; 5 Esmee
Hawkey; 6 Jamie Orton. FL Harper 1m15.043s
(113.02mph). P Harper. S 15.
Race 2 (20 laps) 1 Harper; 2 Webster +3.164s; 3
Lewis Plato; 4 Perez; 5 Hawkey; 6 Dan Vaughan. FL
Harper 1m14.742s (113.47mph). P Orton. S 15.
Points 1 Harper 102; 2 Plato 67; 3 Webster 58;
4 Gamble 57; 5 Perez 41; 6 Vaughan 36.

For full results visit

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