In July,Amazonsaidit willspend$700million to retrain one-third
of its U.S. workforce. That has more companies thinking about
employee training.
Today’senterprisescan’t stoptoinnovate.Tomorrowis
real-timeprogressin motion.AtKPMG,wehelpourclients
Anticipatetomorrow. Delivertoday.
Learnmoreaboutthefuture ofAI,
Source: Amazon Commits $700 Million to Retrain Workers in New Skills, Bloomberg, July 11, 2019.
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“Clients are coming to grips with the fact that
they might not have the workforce they need in
the AI automation-based world. So which workers
need to go back to school? AI is going to have
a disproportionate impact on any job that has
repetition. It’s not just blue collar jobs. It may well
impact white collar jobs to a much greater extent.”