Publishers Weekly - 02.09.2019

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This book is about living a longer, healthier life, regardless of your current age. We will talk about the misinformation and lack of information that has caused the largest disease
epidemic in history. If we don’t change direction, we will end up, like millions already have, with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer. It is not inevitable. We can
do this. There are simple, sustainable steps that we can take now to improve our health today and allow us to live as long as we dare!

We need effective leaders today more than ever before.

In fact, the root cause behind failed businesses and failed governments is usually either a lack of leadership or the presence of destructive or ineffective leadership.
In this collection of dissertations on topics relevant to effective leadership, you’ll be challenged to think. Along the way, you’ll learn how to

  • discover and clarify your mission, vision, and values;

  • learn how to handle difficult people and situations;

  • improve the performance of your people and teams; and

  • communicate with coworkers, customers, and colleagues.
    You’ll also learn about the leadership continuum and its gradations and how to find the action, behavior, or decision that balances as best as possible benefits with costs.
    Balance is getting something just right. However, since the world is always changing, the sweet spot is always changing too. What was
    in balance yesterday may not be today. Like riding a bicycle, we constantly need to monitor our positions and make adjustments to
    compensate for curves and bumps in the road.
    Make sound decisions, build better teams, communicate more effectively, be appropriately flexible, and be appropriately strong, with the
    lessons, examples, and insights in Balanced Leadership.

LEONARD W. HEFLICH is a visionary leader, with a 40 year plus career in the food industry as a food scientist, product
developer, plant manager and food safety expert. He is an innovator and problem solver, with a particular ability to collect the
pieces of a complex, intractable puzzle, and put them together. It’s time to correct the misinformation and fill in the missing
information on health and nutrition. He wants us to live longer, healthier lives, because we can!

Missed Opportunities: Rethinking Catholic Tradition is a radical criticism of the language, structure, and official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
The proposed reforms are drawn from the church’s own long tradition. Particular teaching on contraception, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, clergy
abuse, and human rights are examined but the book is most interested in the foundation of all official teaching. Revelation and Natural Law are regularly
invoked as the basis of that teaching but they are almost never seriously examined. Only by understanding the concept of divine revelation and the
church’s claim to be defending the natural can change in the church be given its proper place.

America in the United States and the United States in America is a unique study of the relation between the nation of the United States and the continent
and dream of America. The result is a different way of looking at the history and present problems of the United States. The way we speak influences the
way we think. America can be a valuable idea of what the United State has to strive for, namely, to be a place of liberty and justice for all. But the regular
identification of the country with America leads to a cover up of the obvious problems within the United States and missteps in its foreign policy. Not
since the United States’ Civil War has the existence of a union of the states been under such threat as it is today.

GABRIEL MORAN, professor emeritus of educational philosophy at
New York University, has worked with the Roman Catholic Church’s
educational programs for more than fifty years. He has written twenty-
five books, including many on religious education. Until her death, his
wife Maria Harris was his collaborator in teaching and writing.

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