Farmer’s Weekly – 23 August 2019

(Kiana) #1


to dois to arrive

in their masses

and replace

the negative

old men ...’

  • Presidentof FreeStateAgriculture,
    FrancoisWilken, respondingtocriticism
    froma delegateat theorganisation’srecent
    congressin Bloemfonteinthatyoungfarmers
    aren’tinvolvedin thefarmers’unionbecause
    of thenegativityof oldermembers(pg16).

ourcountrytoa future

  • CEOof theInstituteof RaceRelations,
    DrFransCronjé, speakingoutabout
    thepotentialpitfallsof theproposed


developmentinnorth West, in an effort
to transform the auction industry in
the province – see story on page 14.

Weekly quotes

‘This action ... which
has thrown wool trading
in disarray, has not
been taken lightly ...’

  • Director of the South African Wool and Mohair
    Buyers’ Association, Paul Lynch, explaining
    the motivation behind the organisation’s
    decision not to take part in wool auctions in
    South Africa until further notice (pg 19).

‘... poor roads caused
damage to vehicles
that resulted in higher
transport costs’

  • Manager of member services at the Milk
    Producers’ Organisation, Philip Swart,
    outlining some of the reasons why milk
    buyers preferred to purchase milk supplies
    from producers in coastal regions (pg 21).

‘... the margins in the
abattoir industry are
definitely under pressure’

  • CEO of the Red Meat Producers’ Organisation,
    Gerhard Schutte, addressing delegates at the
    organisation’s Limpopo branch congress about
    challenges facing the red meat industry (pg 20).


23 August 2019 farmer’sweekly 13
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