Farmer’s Weekly – 23 August 2019

(Kiana) #1

back to basics

Cabbage is grown from seed.
Eight weeks before planting,
remove all weeds on the land.
Plough the soil immediately
before planting with a disc
harrow or other suitable
implement to a depth of
between 450mm and 600mm.
If necessary, fumigate the soil
two weeks before planting
to control nematodes.

  • Planting
    Plant by direct seeding or
    transplanting seedlings.

Direct seeding requires 2kg
of seed/ha. Transplant the
seedlings as soon as they reach
the desired size; only well-
hardened, young, stocky plants
should be used. Transplanting
is done on moist soil.
Firm the soil around the roots
and irrigate as soon as possible
after the seedlings are set.
In wet areas, plant the
seedlings on raised beds or
ridges to reduce waterlogging
and stem or root rot diseases.

The cabbage
which appears in
the plant’s second
year of growth, has
white or yellow
flowers, each
with four petals.

Cabbagecan begrownin a wide range of soils,

but does best in a well-drained, moisture-retentive

loamy soil, well supplied with organic matter.

Cabbages form smaller and
slightly more pointed heads
when spaced closely.
Inthecaseofa large-headed
variety,plantata densityof
40000 plants/hato 45000
plants/ha;planta medium-
headedcultivarat 55000
plants/hato 65000 plants/ha;and
plantbabycabbagesat 80000
plants/hato 100 000 plants/ ha.
Large-headed cultivars should
be planted with an inter-row
spacing of 600mm to 700mm, and
450mm apart in the row. Smaller-
headed varieties are planted with
an inter-row spacing of 600mm,
and 300mm apart in the row.

  • Fertilisation
    Cabbage is a heavy feeder; give
    it supplemental fertilisation
    in the form of manure or
    compost, nitrogen, phosphorus
    and potassium. Fertiliser
    programmes should be based
    on soil analysis and should
    be developed for each land.
    Cabbage requires nitrogen at
    a rate of 200kg/ha to 250kg/ ha.
    This quantity should be split
    into two or three applications:

  • Broadcast between 50%
    to 66% and plough it in just
    before planting. This first
    application is made together with
    phosphorus and potassium;

  • Side-dress the remainder
    six weeks later;

  • Alternatively, side-dress half
    the remainder two to three
    weeks after transplanting and
    the rest three weeks later.
    If youprefera fertiliser
    ata rateof 1 500kg/ha and
    potassium at 100kg/ha before
    planting. Apply a top dressing
    of LAN at 300kg/ha four weeks
    after transplanting and again
    four weeks later, if required.

Cabbage needs micronutrients
for proper growth and
development. The crop has
a high calcium requirement
and a deficiency may occur
in acid soil, in soil with a
very high potassium level,
or in very dry soil.


Planting cabbages

40 farmer’sweekly 23 August 2019

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