Britain at War - 09.2019

(Michael S) #1


Adrian and George Blake

THIS INCREDIBLE reference book
has been compiled by a father
and son who are both lifelong
collectors of military equipment.
In the 1970s Adrian acquired
his first few items of militaria
and soon started to specialise in
helmets used on the Home Front

  • and there are hundreds to seek
    out. In many cases the reason for
    the various letters and symbols
    has been lost in time, but this
    work sets out to right that, and
    will surely be prized by collectors.
    The headgear used by around 40
    services are featured and just
    about each page contains colour
    photos of preserved helmets, plus
    drawings explaining the insignia.

Email: home_front_helmets@
Hardback: 364 pages
RRP: £65

admits. An attitude of stoicism
he undoubtedly inherited from
his heroic father who served four
long years with the Machine Gun
Corps during the Great War.
Archie McInnes saw many of
his comrades shot down as the
action intensified during October
1940 and rightly salutes the
pilots of 238 Squadron who
did not survive, in recollections
sensitively compiled by the
Plt Off McInnes served aboard
HMS Victorious during the hunt
for the Bismarck and his war
of 1941 in North Africa makes
compelling reading. Shot down
by a Messerschmitt Bf 109, he
crash-landed, blacked out and
awoke to discover his left arm
had been so badly wounded
that it required amputating.
He’d broken his neck which
along with other injuries would
change his life forever. Archie’s
recall of the dogfight that brought
his Hurricane down is brilliantly
sharp and we feel as if we are
experiencing the horror with him.
This quiet man of the Battle
of Britain was rightfully treated
as a VIP at aviation events by
admirers with warm affection for
the hard-fought actions of Archie
and his fellow Few. This book is
a compelling read and a worthy
tribute to a noble Hurricane pilot,
and a very brave man.
Reviewed by Melody Foreman

Publisher: Red Kite
Hardback: 145 pages
RRP: £20

Jonny Cracknell

THE LATEST memoir from
one of The Few – Pilot Officer
Archie McInnes – has been
written by aviation enthusiast
Jonny Cracknell as the 80th
anniversary of the Battle of
Britain beckons next year.
Sadly, Archie passed away
hours after celebrating his
100 th birthday, making this
book particularly poignant.
McInnes had a brief spell
in 1940 with 601 (County
of London) Squadron before
being posted to 238 Squadron
at Chilbolton, Hampshire, on
October 8. Many sorties carried
out by the Glasgow-born pilot
involved dangerous night flying.
“I just had to get on with it,” he

Graham Pitchfork

at War will be familiar with the
work of Graham Pitchfork, who
served in the RAF for 36 years,
commanding 208 Squadron,
rising to the rank of air
commodore and later serving
in Defence Intelligence at the
MOD. He is, therefore, the
right man to pen books for the
Grub Street publisher’s much
loved ‘Boys’ series and he has
already written the popular
Buccaneer Boys as part of the
same series.
In this latest effort, Graham
steers the series away from
the Cold War and takes a
range of stories from air and

ground crew to piece together
a tantalising account of the
Bristol-built twin-engine terror

  • the Beaufighter. He begins by
    briefly introducing the multi-role
    strike aircraft by exploring its
    development and role in the
    various RAF commands. Then,
    the unsung warhorse is detailed
    at great length, incorporating the
    gripping experiences of the bold
    pilots and navigators who served
    on them.
    Operations off Norway, in
    Malta, Sicily and Beaufighter
    sorties in British and Australian
    service over the Far East are
    all covered, among others.
    The aircraft’s debut as a night

fighter and foray in the bomber
support role is also explored, as
is of course, its role in the strike
wings – where the Beaufighter
earned a deadly reputation as
a hardy and rugged ship-hunting
There isn’t much more we could
ask for from a book of this type,
Beaufighter Boys is exactly the
quality we have grown to expect
from this author and this series
of books.

Publisher: Grub Street
ISBN: 978-1-911621-44-7
Hardback, 224 pages
RRP: £20

E J Lockhart-Mure

AN EXCELLENT book that
slipped the review net when
published in February this year,
Front Line and Fortitude tells
the story of Maria Pilbrow and
her experiences in the Women’s
Auxiliary Service (Burma) in
World War Two. The book is
based on and expanded from
Maria's original diary by her
niece and gives a vivid account
of what life was like on or
around the frontline in South
East Asia as the allies fought
back against the brutal invaders
from Japan. Well written and
illustrated, this work is a fitting
tribute to the ‘Wasbies’ and is
compelling reading.

Publisher: Matador
ISBN: 978-1-789016-43-7
Paperback: 316 pages
RRP: £12.50

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