Britain at War - 09.2019

(Michael S) #1
Major Freddie
Gough MC, seated
centre, with his
officers. Gough, the
oldest officer in the
squadron, celebrated
his 43rd birthday the
day before Operation
Market Garden.

Gough MC reprised
his role at Arnhem
for the 1946
film ‘Theirs Is
The Glory'


armoured – had a recce corps regiment
on strength.
In the planning for Operation
Market Garden, Arnhem Bridge – the
objective assigned to 1st Airborne
Division – was the farthest crossing of
the Neder Rijn (Lower Rhine) to be
seized. Considering the large distance
between the drop zones (DZs) and
landing zones (LZs) in relation to the
main objective,
Divisional HQ
decided the Recce
Squadron should
take the bridge
in a coup de main,
holding it until
2 nd Parachute
Battalion arrived
on foot. It was not
unusual for Recce
Corps units to be
used in this way;
the combination
of high mobility,
deployability and heavy firepower
not only suited its main role of
reconnaissance, but also often saw the
corps’ assets function as an attack force
or high-readiness reserve. They were
the tip of the spear in infantry divisions
and, while perhaps lacking the staying
power of an infantry battalion or the
punch of armoured and tank brigades,
the armoured cars, lorried infantry
and occasional heavy mortar battery
or Cromwell squadron gave Recce
regiments extreme flexibility.


However, Gough, from an Anglo-Irish
military family with three Victoria
Cross recipients, considered the
plan flawed. It was a ‘seize and hold’
operation and, although his squadron

could perform the all-out dash, Gough
believed his three troops would be
better employed leading the way for
the elements of 1st Parachute Brigade
en route from their DZs to the bridge.
That, after all, was the primary role of
any recce unit.
While more lightly equipped than
other recce corps units, the speed and
relative firepower of Gough’s men
persuaded planners
to employ it in
the race for the
objective. Brigadier
Gerald Lathbury,
commanding 1st
Parachute Brigade,
was convinced of
the efficacy of the
plan. He failed to
see that using the
squadron in its
true role might
have provided his
battalions with
valuable information that could have
helped compensate for the breakdown
in communications 1st Airborne
Division suffered.
Gough prepared as best he could. His
major concern was that his squadron
operated Willys Jeeps which, being
open, were vulnerable and relied
only on speed for protection. The
Horsa glider could carry a jeep and
trailer, but not an armoured car,
so Gough’s squadron was
restricted to using
the former. Gough
had already
equipped his
jeeps with
either .50
or .303

K machine guns, the calibre .50 being
a punchy, heavy machine gun, and the
latter being fast-firing weapons (more
than 1,000 rpm) designed for aircraft
service. No longer required by the
RAF, the K Guns had been allocated
to the army and were fitted to Gough’s
jeeps on tubular steel mounts.
Vickers Ks, also known as VGOs
(Vickers Gas Operated) had been
used by the LRDG and the SAS in
North Africa, often in twin-mount
configuration. For the task at Arnhem,
Gough felt that his jeeps should have
twin VGOs, but his request was turned
down on the questionable grounds
it would create a problem with
ammunition supply – questionable
because VGO used the same rounds as
the Lee-Enfield and Bren. Denied this
first request, Gough made another:
three Hamilcar gliders and a troop
from the 6th Airborne Armoured
Reconnaissance Regiment.
This unit, another Recce Corps
asset, had dropped into Normandy
with Tetrarch light tanks armed with
howitzers or modified 2Pdr guns.
These vehicles had shortcomings
against heavier tanks, but were
effective in supporting airborne
infantry against pillboxes, light armour
and machine guns. After Normandy,
the unit began conversion to the^43

"“At Divisional HQ it
was decided the Recce
Squadron should take
the bridge in a coup
de main, holding it
until 2nd Parachute
Battalion arrived.”"

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