
(Joyce) #1
continue Wing Bowl.
This Eagles fan wished
to set the record straight.
—Joanne Magowan
Cherry Hill, New Jersey

We Found a Fix
Another way to get your
water past airport secu-
rity, rather than freezing
it as you suggest: I take
an empty water bottle
and put it in my carry-
on. Once I go through
security, I fill it at a
water fountain. It’s easy
and saves money too.
—Judy Wieckowski
Matthews, North

Everyday Heroes
“Caped Crusader” Aus-
tin Perine isn’t the only
one with a powerful
lesson about love and
service. Kudos to his in-
credible parents, who
recognized a teaching


✦This English teacher
was inspired by “The Best
Made-Up Words Ever”
to think of another one:
inDIGESTion, which is the
uncomfortable feeling
that occurs after reading
all of the current Reader’s
Digest in two days and
knowing it will be a
month before the next
one arrives.
—Anne Muhs
pierce, nebraska

✦One of the most frus-
trating things about auto-
correct is that it is almost
impossible to be creative
with words. But your new
words are perfect, and I
would not be surprised to
see some of them appear-
ing in the new edition of
the official dictionary.
—Donna Nickel
hayward, wisconsin

moment and facilitated
a change for the better
in our world. I’m grate-
ful for such an example.
—Koby Dudley
Buckholts, Texas

How to Maintain Your
Purpose in Life
Last New Year’s Day,
I vowed to do 365 ran-
dom acts of kindness.
I am on track to do just
that, and I truly am hap-
pier, more relaxed, and
more content. But even
more incredible are the
random acts of kindness
done to me this year.
Were they always given
and I was blind to them?
Or has karma kicked in
and rewarded me? All
I know is that this reso-
lution has given my life
true meaning this year.
—Suzette Marie
Rapid City, South Dakota

What’s the most delicious food in your
neck of the woods? We’re compiling
a menu of signature dishes from every
state. Tell us why your favorite should
make our list at RD.COM/ 50 FOODS and
watch for our story in a future issue.

tastes of
america 9










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