Chow down on these edible plants, all found across the U.S. By B r ian a Wiles , auth o r of Mountain States Foraging and owner
of Rooted Apothecary , and Kat Mackinnon, RH (AHG), Botany Program Director at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism
Skill Set
American Plum (Prunus americana)
WHERE This scraggly tree can be found at lower elevations
( below 7,000 feet) across the continent in canyons, hillsides,
and along roadsides. Look for them near water sources such as
rivers and creeks.
HARVEST Fruits in late August. The tart and sweet plum can
be eaten straight off the branch as a snack, cooked in campfire
dessert crumbles, or made into fruit leathers, sweet and sour
sauces, or jellies.
Cattail (Typha)
WHERE Look for them in wetlands, swamps, and riverbanks.
HARVEST Eat different parts year-round. The underground
stems (rhizomes), shoots, immature f lower spikes, and pollen
of the cattail are edible. The starchy-sweet rhizomes can be
gathered in the fall through early spring, the green bean-like
shoots are best in spring, and the f lower spikes and pollen can
be harvested in early summer. Above-ground parts can be used
in soups, stir fries, or stea med.
Pine (Pinus)
WHERE Various species of this conifer can be found growing
in well-drained soil throughout North America.
HARVEST Year-round. The needles, bark, seeds, and cones of
all pine species are edible. A tangy tea can be made by infusing
the needles in hot water (they’re too fibrous to eat more than a
few raw). The male cones (smaller than females and best when
immature), seeds produced by mature female cones, and white
inner bark can all be eaten as a trailside nibble.
Wild Grape (Vitis)
WHERE Look near the banks of streams and in moist soil.
HARVEST The fruits usually ripen in late summer to early
fall, but the sweet, tart bounty can sometimes be found hang-
ing from 10- to 60-foot vines into the winter months (if birds
don’t get them first). Bake into a backcountry pie or simply
enjoy a mid-hike treat. In the spring, add the new growth of the
slightly coiled tendrils to sa lads for a satisf y ingly fresh a nd
sour crunch.
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