South African Home Owner – September 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
Thedouble-storeyhouseis bothspaciouslyopen-plan
and welcoming, allowing the grandchildren to have free
movement throughout. Subtle elements such as the
downlighting and hanging staircase embraced by a glass
balustrade, modern appliances in the kitchen and wall-
hung toilets in the bathroom bring a contemporary feel
to the home. Add in the light, natural tones of the walls,
floors and furnishings and the peaceful surroundings,
and the home exudes a feeling of complete tranquillity. It
also boasts a large enclosed patio and swimming pool for
those all-important summer braais. Q

JC Swanepoel proJeCt ManageMent & proJeCtS –
residential and industrial construction
082 788 0845, [email protected]

98 september 2019

“The views throughout the

home are spectacular.”

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