South African Home Owner – September 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1

september 2019 197

ama loveroflife,loveandcreativity.
BroadcastingonradioandTVis how
I gettoexpressthethingsI love.I’m
on 702 anda proudambassadorfor
SunlightExtra.Livinga well-balancedlifeis
oneofmyvaluesandI dothatbyslowing
I spend as much time as I can outdoors,
hiking and being with nature. Incorporating
nature to maximise my health and well-being
is what I always seek. I’m the mother of two
beautiful beings who stretch and teach me
about life and myself every day.
I would describe my home style as
contemporary and cosy. I’ve always wanted
a home that feels lived in and I think that is
achieved through having an eclectic mix of things. Something
old, something new, something nostalgic, something
homemade and something glam.
My favourite room is the dining room because that is where
I get to express love to my family. I believe firmly in setting
the table and sitting down to eat dinner (especially). We catch
up on our day and life over a communal meal. It is a ritual
which gives me great joy.

at home with ...


I lovefurniturepiecesthatarefromsmall
drawnbyhandadda uniquetouchandbecome
talkingpoints.I’vealsoturnedmygarageinto a
theyears.I feelliketheirdignityis restored
because they are seen and not hidden. Driving
in and seeing home lets me know I’m home.
The best piece of decorating advice I have
been given is to fill your space with things you
love; don’t turn it into a showroom.
Currently on my wish list is a server by
Sifiso Shange. His work makes me feel even
more rooted to my country and heritage. My
greatest extravagance is a Smeg Victorian
Range stove. It is the hero of the kitchen.
My guilty pleasure is what I call an epic shower. Those are
days when I wash and treat my hair, put a mask on my face
and scrub my body. It’s epic because I give every part of my
body special attention and wash it all off in the shower from
head to toe. It slows me down and switches on my senses.
It revitalises me. The rest of the week, time in the shower is
four minutes. Q



“the best piece of
decorating advice i
have been given is to
fill your space with
things you love.”


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