2019-09-01 Emmy Magazine

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

in the


“IwasaDisneyfanalltheway,butafterwatchingthatshow,I decided
thatI wantedtoworkinthisfield,”saysthestoryboardartist,whocurrently
“Irealizedthatanimationwasarealartform.I begantoreadallaboutthe
everythingI couldabouttheclassics.”
After studying graphic arts in Mexico City,
Martinez worked as a model to save enough
to attend Vancouver Film School, which she
In 2013, she met producer Sandra Rabins
(Shrek, DreamWorks Dragons) at an animation
conference in Burbank. “When I first showed Sandy
my work, she was very honest with me and told me
I wasn’t ready,” Martinez relates. “I started to train
with artists and practice my art every day.”
A few months later, she took a storyboard test
and passed with flying colors, which landed her
on Chris Jenkins’s 2018 Netflix movie, Duck Duck

Goose. “It was a five-month job, which turned into a
year and a half. I was very lucky because that led to
positions at The Simpsons and American Dad.”
Finding employment with the big studios can
be challenging for applicants who lack green cards, Martinez says. “A lot of
the studios may say they will hire you, but they don’t want to deal with the
paperwork. [They’re reluctant] even if you tell them that you’re willing to do all
the work to take care of the work permit.
“I want everyone to celebrate that America is a country of immigrants,
and that we are not ‘the worst people.’ We’re artists who work hard to
contribute and to achieve our dreams and earn a
place in this beautiful country.”
In today’s anti-immigration climate, Martinez
says she can’t afford to make mistakes. “I need to
constantly learn and improve my skills, which is a
good thing. I feel very lucky to have met and worked
with amazing directors and artists in Los Angeles.
It’s an exciting time to be in this field, because
everyone seems to be interested in producing and
creating animation.”
And it’s more than just a career — Martinez says
animation is a lifestyle choice. “You truly have to love
it. You have to study the craft and apply yourself with
hard work. If you stop learning, you’re taking a step
backwards. Persevere, and your time will come.”
—Ramin Zahed

Growing up in Mexico City, Lila Martinez never thought that she could pursue a
job in animation. It wasn’t until she caught a TV documentary about Tex Avery
that the idea entered her mind.




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