Living and Loving – September 2019

(Nora) #1

‘The second

no tears,just
high andlow

family life

L&L | SEPTEMBER 2019 | 75



Kara to a daycare would stimulate
her development. When I picked
her up the first day, I was called in
by the head of the school and told
what I already knew, but needed
to hear from someone else. Kara
was way behind on her milestones.
She needed to be evaluated as
soon as possible. I just sobbed.
“I eventually made an
appointment at the Baby Therapy
Centre in Pretoria. Kara was
evaluated by several therapists and
the report revealed that she was on
par with an eight-month-old. She
was 12 months old at the time. They
ruled out syndromes, but were sure
there was something wrong with
her ears. We drove straight to our
paediatrician who referred us to an
ENT.” Kara was given grommits to
reduce the pressure in her ears, but
the doctor said he had a gut feeling
she was deaf. That day, Kara failed
two audio screening tests and again
a week later. An auditory brain stem
test under anaesthesia was advised.

Treatment begins
When the audiologist emerged from
theatre shaking his head, Brumilda’s
heart sank. “I felt physical pain
for my child. I broke down. I could
hear my cries echo through the
hallway. People passing stared.”
Kara was diagnosed as profoundly
deaf, which is defined as being
unable to understand speech
through hearing – even when sound
is amplified with hearing aids.
Kara would never be able to learn
to speak or live a normal life.
“After we’d had a few days to
process our new reality, and time
to research and read up about her
condition, the idea of cochlear
implants became our ray of hope.

It was scary and we had no idea
what to expect, but one thing was
certain – we were going to fight for
our daughter. As it turns out, she
was the perfect age for cochlear
implants (the younger the better).”

A long journey
It took 28 consultations in four
months to obtain a correct diagnosis
and approval for bilateral cochlear
implants. There was also a sense of
urgency: If a child has been deaf
since birth and they have not heard
or learnt a language by the age of
four or five, they don’t
usually benefit from
a cochlear implant.
“We had to get Kara
implanted as soon as
possible,” says Brumilda.
Due to Kara’s weight
and age, she had two
operations within six
months of each other.
“We discovered the
combined procedures,
devices and therapy would cost
around R1 million. Although we were
on a medical aid, each fund and
plan offers different cover. Some pay
a portion for this procedue, but most
schemes have it as an exclusion.
There was no way we could afford
it after the medical expenses of the
past few years,” says Brumilda.
Fortunately, they were able to
secure cover. “I cried the day Bonitas
approved Kara’s first implant. In fact,
I think I cried more than when we
discovered she was deaf. This would
change our child’s life forever.”

After the operation
Kara’s first implant was nothing short
of a miracle. When it was turned
on, she responded immediately

with a smile that then turned to
cries. It took time for her brain
to make sense of all the new
auditory input − to process it and
turn it into meaningful signals.
It’s a process, but it really doesn’t
get any better than this.
“The external device needs to
be put in a dryer every night, the
batteries need to be charged, the
covers and cables checked and
the spare parts packed every day.
School teachers had to be trained,
and we even figured out a cool new
haircut that helps the magnets stick
better. What seemed
overwhelming in the
beginning quickly
became routine and
ultimately a very small
price to pay for the
rewards in return.
“She can hear,
she just doesn’t react
the way everyone
expects her to. It takes
time and we need
to be patient. It took about two
months for her to start mimicking
words like ‘nee’ and ‘ja’ and much
later she started saying, ‘ma’.”
The second implant elicited no
tears, just smiles. And after having
no response to hearing tests before
the implants, she now reacted
to high and low frequencies.
“Kara will be able to go to a
mainstream school, just like her
brother. This will present new
challenges, but ones we will
deal with. Most importantly, my
daughter will not be separated
or labelled. She will be able to
do what her heart desires and
not be held back by a disability.
This makes me so excited for
what the future holds.” LL
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