Cycling Weekly |August 22, 2019 | 61
when I hit the aerobic equipment in a
crowded gym that the various onlookers
(and onlooking is 90 per cent of what
happens in a gym as far as I can tell) should
recognise me for what I am, which is their
God come modestly to pass among them.
They don’t.
I think the problem is the sweating.
A fter three minutes a few little islets of
sweat appeared on my shirt. A fter 10
minutes I was dripping. A lake started to
form, and a river began to meander out
across the fl oor. A fter 20 minutes other
gym users were beginning to stockpile
towels in case they needed to build a
dam around my bike to keep the salty
fl oodwaters under control.
I have no idea why this doesn’t happen
to other people. I appreciate that many
gym users take the sensible precaution
of avoiding strenuous exercise, but I see
plenty of others working at a decent pace
who seem quite normal, while I’m clearly a
coronary incident just getting underway.
No one ever saunters by and casually
admires my eff ortless 375 watts, partly
because they ’re frightened of the climate
system developing around me, but mainly
because I’m making it look any thing but
eff ortless; generally I have the unruffl ed
look of someone
chased by a crocodile.
In the end, in this
case, the sealing on the
bike proved unequal
to the task. Abruptly the screen went
blank, the resistance dropped to zero, my
cadence hit about 200rpm, and I emitted a
surprised and very high-pitched yelp.
Beating a gym bike into submission
ought to count as a victory. But walk ing
out of the gym, leaving a trail of sweaty
footprints and a lot of angry glaring
behind, it didn’t feel that way.
An email arrives: “Dr. Hutch, I’ve got a
riding mate who swears by the
performance-enhancing eff ects of
caff eine. But he’s always hated coff ee
and says tablets give him indigestion.
He depends on coff ee yoghurt — he
eats two, an hour before an event.
“Recently he forgot to take any and
asked me if I’d pick some up for him on
my way to the same race. Looking at
the small print on the pot I noticed in
the ingredients: “coff ee fl avouring
(does not contain caff eine)”.
“ The question is: Do I tell him?”
Yo ur s , A n on.
I’d suggest you don’t, Anon. Keep it to
yourself. Until that moment when the
sudden revelation will do the most
damage. You’ll know this moment
when it arrives.
Perspiration on a scale hitherto
unseen in your average gym
“I emitted a surprised
and high-pitched yelp”