The Economist Middle East and Africa Edition - 24 August 2019

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40 Asia The EconomistAugust 24th 2019

2 bines and a quarter of its solar panels, ac-
cording to the iea. In 2013 a national plan
on air pollution gave Beijing, the capital,
five years to reduce its coal consumption
by half, among other measures. And in 2017
the government introduced a national car-
bon-trading scheme. In the Paris agree-
ment it pledged that its carbon-dioxide
emissions would stop growing by 2030.
China’s efforts to clean up have left In-
dia as the world’s most enthusiastic build-
er of coal-fired plants. In its submissions
for the Paris accord, India predicted that its
demand for electricity would triple be-
tween 2012 and 2030. About 48 gigawatts of
coal-fired capacity are under construction
in the country. Coal consumption in-
creased by 9% last year, according to bp, a
big oil firm.
That is partly because India lacks obvi-
ous alternatives, at least for back-up gener-
ation when the wind is not blowing and the
sun is not shining. It cannot afford to im-
port cleaner but more expensive liquefied
natural gas, as Japan, South Korea and, in-
creasingly, China do. Partly, however, In-
dia’s addiction to coal stems from govern-
ment bias. The government owns more
than 70% of Coal India, the giant mining
firm that produces most of the country’s
coal. India’s state-owned railways depend
on the cash generated by transporting coal
to subsidise passenger tickets (coal pro-
vides 44% of freight revenues). Coal gener-
ates hundreds of thousands of jobs, many
in the poorest states. The government has
an enormous vested interest in seeing the
industry prosper.

Nevertheless, even in India, the outlook for
coal is becoming hazier. For one thing,
growth in energy demand has slowed
thanks to improved energy efficiency and
the growing importance of services to the
economy. Demand has also been curbed by
a failure to invest in transmission capacity
and by the inefficiencies of unprofitable
power-distribution companies. This
means that the increase in coal-fired gen-
eration has outstripped the increase in de-
mand for energy in recent years. Coal
plants are already operating far below their
potential capacity. At the same time, levies
and transport costs have risen more quick-
ly than Coal India’s prices, according to re-
search by Rahul Tongia and Samantha
Gross for the Brookings Institution, an
American think-tank.
These difficulties are mounting just as
greener power sources are beginning to
spread. Shortly after Narendra Modi be-
came prime minister five years ago, his
government announced a plan to quadru-
ple India’s renewable-energy capacity to
175 gigawatts by 2022. The scheme supports
one of India’s promises under the Paris ac-
cord. If it is successful, the share of renew-

ables in the generation mix could rise from
7.8% to 19%. Steep cost falls help. Indian re-
newables now cost less than three rupees
($0.04) per kilowatt-hour, well below do-
mestic coal at four rupees per kilowatt-
hour, according to Tim Buckley of the Insti-
tute for Energy Economics and Financial
Analysis, a green think-tank.
South-East Asia has seen a similar shift
in prices. The government of Vietnam pro-
jects that demand for coal will more than
double by 2030. But Matt Gray of Carbon
Tracker, a British think-tank, argues that, if
the cost of building solar- and wind-farms
keeps falling (reductions of 50% and 30%
respectively have been seen in Vietnam in
recent years), they should be cheaper than
new coal plants as soon as next year. “The
economics are there and this is what I think
Asia is going to wake up to,” says an inves-
tor in Vietnamese wind farms.
Renewables offer other advantages over
coal as well. Given the difficulty of getting
power to South-East Asia’s most remote ar-
eas—Indonesia has more than 13,000 is-
lands and the Philippines another 7,000 or
so—solar and wind installations can offer
electrification without costly extensions of
the grid. The region also has manufactur-
ers who would benefit from a stronger

push for renewables. Malaysia, for exam-
ple, is the third-largest manufacturer of so-
lar cells in the world.
Coal is coming in for more public criti-
cism. A recent documentary in Indonesia
portrayed the harm caused by the fuel to
farmers, fishermen and the natural re-
sources upon which they depend. In the
Philippines the Catholic church is wading
in. Gerardo Alminaza, a bishop, is a leading
figure in a campaign against the proposed
coal plant in San Carlos, for example. He
has given talks at banks on the need to di-
vest from coal. Rodrigo Duterte, the presi-
dent of the Philippines, recently instructed
his government to hasten the shift from
fossil fuels to renewable energy.
Some investors are growing leery of
coal. A new report from the Centre for Fi-
nancial Accountability, an Indian think-
tank, reveals that private lending to coal-
fired power plants in India declined by
90% last year. One of the largest banks in
South-East Asia, dbs of Singapore, an-
nounced in April that it will stop funding
new coal plants after its existing slate of
projects is completed. Last year Marubeni,
a huge Japanese trading house, said it will
no longer invest in coal plants; it intends to
halve its own coal-fired capacity by 2030.
And the energy arm of Ayala Corporation, a
Filipino conglomerate, announced plans
last year to sell up to half its coal assets and
to invest more in renewables.

Coal comfort
The shifting sentiment is reflected in the
recent sharp decline in investment approv-
als for new coal-fired plants (see chart 2).
But even if the private sector were to wash
its hands of coal altogether, that would not
guarantee its demise. In both China and In-
dia, the biggest banks are state-owned, and
their lending decisions are as much a func-
tion of government policy as of expected
returns. The Chinese government, in turn,
although pursuing cleaner energy at home,
does not seem particularly keen to encour-
age it abroad. The Belt and Road Initiative, a
big Chinese infrastructure-development
scheme, will see billions spent to build
coal-fired plants in Bangladesh, Indonesia,
Pakistan and Vietnam, among other coun-
tries. Chinese financial institutions are
helping to fund more than a quarter of
coal-fired power stations under develop-
ment around the world.
Finance for the coal business in India,
meanwhile, comes mainly from the state.
Between 2005 and 2015 state-owned banks
provided 82% of the funding for coal-fired
power plants, according to the Centre for
Financial Accountability. If the govern-
ments of China and India continue to
pump money into coal via state-owned
banks, the fate of the climate will be sealed,
whatever encouragement they give to oth-
er forms of generation. 7

Dark matter^1

Source:BP *Commercialsolidfuelsonly

Coal consumption*
Tonnes of oil equivalent, bn






1990 95 2000 05 10 15 18

Rest of

Rest of Asia Pacific



Coal scuttle^2


Coal-fired generation capacity receiving







2010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

China India South-East Asia
Rest of world
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