The Week UK – 23 August 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
Dunedin Income GrowthInvestment Trust

ISA and Share Plan

Identifying compani es with th e potential to deliver both
share price growth and attractive income demands
first-hand knowle dge.

We insist on me eting every companyin which we invest,
before we invest in their shares. Because we believe getting
close up to possible investments is the only way to try
to unearth th e richest sources of re turn.

Please remember, the value of sh ares and the income from
them can go down as well as up and you may get back le ss
than the amount invested. No recommendation is made,
positive or otherwise, rega rding the ISA and Share Plan.

The value of tax benefits depends onindi vidual circum stances
and the favou rable tax treatment for ISAs may not be maintained.
We recommend you seek financial advice prior to making
an investment decision.

Request a brochure: 0808 500 4000

We always want

to get closer.

AberdeenStandard Inv estments is a brand of the investment businesses of AberdeenAsset Mana gement

and Standard Life Inve stments. Issued by AberdeenAsset Mana gers Limited, 10 Quee n’s Terrace,

AberdeenAB10 1XL, which is authorised and regulate d by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK.

Telephonecalls may be recorded.

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