Woman’s Day Australia – August 26, 2019

(Marcin) #1




ofTheBlockhavebeenquicktonoticea rathersofter
theTVstarhashada makeover.
“Scottyis lookingdifferentthisyearandI can’tworkoutwhy.
hisforeheadis a littlesmoother,”anotherresponded.
A cosmeticsurgeryinsidertellsWoman’sDaya noticeably
shinierappearanceis a mainsideeffectfromBotoxinjections.

Mitch & Mark accused

of cheating... again!


he show’s sassy grandads
have been dodging
cheating claims ever since
the first episode, and now
Mitch Edwards and Mark
McKie have been caught
out – yet again!
Eagle-eyed fans took to
social media to slam the
pair after claiming they
saw tradesmen painting
their room – which is
against the show’s rules.
“They cheated! There
was a tradie painting
the room!” an irate fan
wrote. “It was in the
rush to finish, he was
laying down painting.”
“I saw that too!” another
fan agreed.
Painting is the only
trade that contestants
aren’t allowed to get

any help with. “They MUST do
all the painting themselves,”
the show’s guidelines state.


t’s already come under fire
for being the most impossible
season of The Block ever,
with fans hitting back at the
series, deeming it “very unfair
on contestants” and “not good
for morale”.
And it couldn’t be more true
for mum-of-three El’ise Bothe,
33, who’s cracking under pressure
on site at The Oslo in Melbourne,
with crew members seemingly
walking on eggshells around her.
In photos obtained by Woman’s
Day, the fashion manager is seen
melting down on site and almost
coming to blows with the crew as
she waves her arms around and
looks to be in tears.
Now, there are fears for El’ise’s
mental state as she tells us she was
spiralling out of control on set.
“I really lost myself,” she
admits. “I’m usually so upbeat
and can find the positive in any
case, but I just began to really
question myself.”
While Blockheads are no
stranger to the pressure and
expectation of the series, with
contestants forced to sleep in
bunk beds and away from their
families, El’ise didn’t expect to be
haunted by the financial strains
of her past.
El’ise – who’s mum to Baxter,
eight, Charlize, six and Maverick,
five – tells Woman’s Day that
things start to fall apart during
this week’s episodes when host
Scott Cam scolds her for blowing
the budget, which brings up old

memories of her struggling
to make ends meet.
“I was completely gobsmacked

  • I thought they had the wrong
    team,” she explains of hearing the
    news. “I thought I was under
    complete control, so when
    comments were starting to get
    made around my budgets, it
    triggered [my financial issues].”
    El’ise admits that “budgeting
    was always going to be touchy”
    for her, given her difficulties
    in the past trying to raise the
    children on one income.
    “As much as we tried our best
    to get ahead, we always felt like
    we never quite had enough,” she
    confesses. “It’s a different life when
    you have kids – it’s hard going
    down to one wage, trying to feed
    your kids and trying to survive.”
    Adding to her financial woes
    was the fact that El’ise was
    desperately missing her children.
    She decided not to see them as
    often as she could as it only made
    her miss them more.
    “We chose not to because as
    soon as I see my babies and they
    see us, it’s harder for them to say
    goodbye, and that’s what happened
    when they came over on the
    show, I found it harder to let go.”
    El’ise admits the strain of the
    filming has had a serious impact
    on her health.
    “Emotionally, I didn’t think it
    would take such a toll on my
    body,” she admits. “You’re tired
    and you’re stressed and crying...
    that’s my way of releasing.”


WD 23

With her husband
Matt and kids
Charlize, Maverick
and Baxter.

The grandads
have been
accused of
breaking the
show’s rules.
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