Woman’s Day Australia – August 26, 2019

(Marcin) #1



n, too!

advert for the UK branch that the
controversial faith had saved her
life. But that may not be enough to
stop the 26-year-old, who currently
lives with her husband Max Parker
in London, from being hauled back to its
headquarters in Clearwater, Florida.
Tom’s three sisters – Cass Capazorio, Lee
Anne Gillotte and Marian Henry – are
believed to have moved into the luxury
apartment block he’s taken over in the
home of Scientology called The Skyview.
According to property records, their
three units were bought on the same day
and are in the women’s names. They now
live on the third, fourth and fifth floors,
while Tom has a two-storey penthouse on
levels eight and nine.

Speculation that Connor, 24, and Bella
will move in comes as it’s revealed their
father has also acquired two other spare
apartments on the second and third floors.
Connor is currently living right around the
corner from The Skyview at The Sandcastle

  • the official Scientology accommodation

  • under the watchful eye of former member
    Katrina Reyes’ mother Yelena, The
    Sandcastle’s manager.
    It’s not just his family who Tom is moving
    into his Scientology powerhouse. Bizarrely,
    Mission Impossible and Jack Reacher
    director Christopher McQuarrie and his
    wife Heather are registered to an apartment
    on the seventh floor – despite Christopher
    never having been linked to the religion.
    And the film director is not the only

prominent face in the building. Billionaire
pharmaceutical entrepreneur Bob Duggan,
who has given $530 million to the church,
has the entire sixth floor.
It’s believed Tom’s penthouse apartment
is the most valuable at close to $1.5 million.
It’s thought those living in the block are all
currently taking part in Scientology courses.
In May, Bella praised her dad, revealing
studying his faith was “the missing piece”
and what she’d “been searching for”.
“I became that annoying girl in the org
who would talk endlessly about how
incredible training is and how phenomenal
the internship is,” Bella said.

It’sa lotofeffort.It’sa fewmeltdownsand
runningtothebathroomtohavea mini
you’llgetthrough.Thisisa gifttoyourself
iswhatmademea Scientologist...Thankyou
Zanchi– a second-generationmemberofthe
theAussiestar– whoalsohastwodaughters
withhusbandKeithUrban– hasnotbeen


to Dad!

Words: Christopher White.

WD 27
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