Richard and Axel relax just outside
their front door (opposite); theexterior
of their home has been painteda few
shades of grey.
The pink steel cabinet in theopen-
plan kitchen and dining room(this
page) catches the eye; the doorsare
coated with chalkboard paint,perfect
for grocery lists. The cupboardto
the right was an old pine bookcase;
Axel added old melamine doorsin
different sizes to convert it intoa
kitchen cupboard.
Rug, plain scatters and scatterswithleaf
motif from MRP Home; other scatters
from RU Designs
Paint colour
Plascon Fuscia Fizz
Paint colour
Plascon Dusk of Day
Paint colour
Plascon Bali Deep
eco home
Axel Ryder and Richard Wood
WHERE Riebeek West,
SIZE 248 m²