So let’s see, is it be possible to find the random generator and do some trick with it.IDAquickly recognize
the standard_randfunction inballtrix.exeat0x00403DA0. IDAalso shows that it is called only from
one place:
.text:00402C9C sub_402C9C proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_402ACA+52
.text:00402C9C ; sub_402ACA+64 ...
.text:00402C9C arg_0 = dword ptr 8
.text:00402C9C push ebp
.text:00402C9D mov ebp, esp
.text:00402C9F push ebx
.text:00402CA0 push esi
.text:00402CA1 push edi
.text:00402CA2 mov eax, dword_40D430
.text:00402CA7 imul eax, dword_40D440
.text:00402CAE add eax, dword_40D5C8
.text:00402CB4 mov ecx, 32000
.text:00402CB9 cdq
.text:00402CBA idiv ecx
.text:00402CBC mov dword_40D440, edx
.text:00402CC2 call _rand
.text:00402CC7 cdq
.text:00402CC8 idiv [ebp+arg_0]
.text:00402CCB mov dword_40D430, edx
.text:00402CD1 mov eax, dword_40D430
.text:00402CD6 jmp $+5
.text:00402CDB pop edi
.text:00402CDC pop esi
.text:00402CDD pop ebx
.text:00402CDE leave
.text:00402CDF retn
.text:00402CDF sub_402C9C endp
We’ll call it “random”. Let’s not to dive into this function’s code yet.
This function is referred from 3 places.
Here are the first two:
.text:00402B16 mov eax, dword_40C03C ; 10 here
.text:00402B1B push eax
.text:00402B1C call random
.text:00402B21 add esp, 4
.text:00402B24 inc eax
.text:00402B25 mov [ebp+var_C], eax
.text:00402B28 mov eax, dword_40C040 ; 10 here
.text:00402B2D push eax
.text:00402B2E call random
.text:00402B33 add esp, 4
Here is the third one:
.text:00402BBB mov eax, dword_40C058 ; 5 here
.text:00402BC0 push eax
.text:00402BC1 call random
.text:00402BC6 add esp, 4
.text:00402BC9 inc eax
So the function has only one argument.
10 is passed in first two cases and 5 in third. We can also notice that the board has a size of 10*10 and
there are 5 possible colors. This is it! The standardrand()function returns a number in the0..0x7FFF
range and this is often inconvenient, so many programmers implement their own random functions which
returns a random number in a specified range. In our case, the range is 0 ::n− 1 andnis passed as the sole
argument of the function. We can quickly check this in any debugger.
Solet’sfixthethirdfunctioncalltoalwaysreturnzero. First,wewillreplacethreeinstructions(PUSH/CALL/ADD)
byNOPs. Then we’ll addXOR EAX, EAXinstruction, to clear theEAXregister.