MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
September 113




Almost all campsiteshave their
originsin agriculture. Back inthe
dawnof campsite time, asfarmers
discovered that tents and,much
later, motorhomes, were a cash-
rich crop, campsitesarose asfarm
diversification enterprises. Investment
downthe yearstransformed fieldsto
top-flight sites.
To day, though, few fully retain
a farmfeel. Wide-openfieldswith
pitchesonly aroundthe perimeters,
signed walksalongfield boundaries,
the chancetopause andgazeat herds
of longhorn cattle, views of farm and
field asfar asthe eye canstretch...
This is DulhornFarmHoliday Park,
only fiveminutesfromthe M5yet with
a wonderfully remote feel.
We’ve usedthis site manytimes
asa stopover enroute toCornwall,
because of its convenientlocation.
And we’ve often remarkedthat this
place deservesmore of ourtime.
Earlier this yeara weekof holiday gave
usthe chancetoget toknowDulhorn
First-class showeringfacilities,
laundry and washing-up area, oneof
the best security systems on anysite

(a height barrier is manually opened,
bystaff), large, levelpitches, two
playareas, afishing lake, a dog walk
and, aboveall, wide openvistas– for
all of those reasons, Dulhorn is an
enchanting site.
It’s beena PremierParkforsome
years anddeveloped alongthe way,
openingnew fields, increasingthe
numberof pitches(butstill retaining
the Dulhorn principleof only placing
touringpitchesaroundthe edges of
the fields) and, forthis year,more
During ourweek’s holiday we
followedthe signposted farm walk,
exploredthe Somerset coast at Brean
a fabulousdeli calledPyne’s at
Bridgwater, perusedthe architectural
magnificenceof England’s smallest
city, Wells, devoted a
wet day tothe Haynes
International Motor
Museumat Ye ovil –
andall the timeloved
makingDulhorn our
base.Gothere –
you’ ll seewhat


©Crown copyright 2019 Ordnance Survey. Media 002/19
+Weston Road,Lympsham, Somerset
BS24 0JQ
)01934 750298
[email protected]
15 March –15 November
£ Two adults, pitchand electric: From

Nearestpublic transport:One mile
Nearestpub/restaurant:One mile
Directions:M5 J22, take A38 towards
Burnham-on-Sea. At next roundabout take
third exit to A38. At next roundabout take
first exit to A370. Site is on left shortly
after traffic lights

The vastbeach atBrean The fa rmsite’s stunninglocation


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