MMM – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
122 2019


ompact front lou nge van
conversions havelong been
a mainstay of the British
motorhome scene. This lay out’s
popularity has wanedin recent years,
with more emphasis on rear lounge
’vans, but Devon’s 5.4-metre Colorado
and six-metre Arizona show that the
concept still has appeal.
Devon, based in County Durham
since 1996, unusually, has converted
all of the key base vehicl es (though its
current range do es not incl ude VW or
Renault). In its Ferryhillfactory an d
showroom you’ll see Mercs (Vito and
Sprinter),Fords (T ransit and Transit
Custom) andthe Sevels (Fiat/Peugeot/
Citroën) in three different lengths.
Plenty of choice, then!
The Colorado, based onthe
medium-wheelbase Sevel, comes with
either three or fourtravel-seats. The
traditionally-desig ned three-seater
has an offside set tee, combining with

the nearside rear travel-seatto form
a six-foot-l ong transverse doublebed.
But the fou r-seater, tested here, has a
more novel layo ut.

The medium-wheelbase Sev el (here
a Peuge ot Boxer), is an obvious
choice for acompact ca mper, being
straight-sided and wide enough to
give adequate space forfurniture,
occupants and h oliday cl obber. It’s
also robust and (after over a decade
of productio n) most, if no t all, of the
design bugshave been ir oned out.
Importantly, it’s reasonably cheapfor
the converter to buy, straightforward
to work on and inplentiful supply.
It does come with one m ajor
headache, howev er – the height of
the cab seats, up ontheir platform,
comparedto the lo wer, main body of
the van.That’s why most front lounge

designs on this base vehicl e havethe
sametransverse bed layout as Devon’s
three-seater Colorado. But, what if
a six-foot bed is too short? Or if you
wantto carrytwo rear passengers, not
just one? Then that design isn’t foryou

  • andthere aren’t many alternatives.
    To conjure up a practical layout
    allowing cab seats to be incorporated
    into full-sized, longitudinal beds
    requires some ingenuity. The resulting
    layo ut includes two rear travel seats
    set higher than normal – the offside
    one on a cu rving plinthwhich ties
    in with the cab platform andthe
    nearside with a built-in footrest to
    avoid dangling legs. These combine
    with the swi velled cab seats to make a
    pair of si nglebed s.
    To the rear, as in the traditional
    three-seater model, there’s an offside
    kitc hen, with wardrobe, fri dge and
    washro om opposite, and anaisle
    givingaccess to the rear doors.

This version of theColorado is unusualinits class in having four travel seats
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