September 131
fixings/retainersfor your gear at £255)
can carry up to350kg in ahuge void
boasting 1.18mheadroom and 1.26m
maximum width at floor level. The
storage bins on the offside garage
door arevery useful for small items,
while the straps to secu re chairs tothe
rear wall are another good idea. Two
loading hatc hes arestandard but, if
you want the se cond one to be a full-
sized do or, that’s another £425.
There’s more external storage in a
skirt locker tothe rear of the entrance
door and, on the nearside, in alarger
compartment under the lounge, which
includes an areaof the double floor
and home for the leisure battery (with
room for a second).
Inside, there aretwo hatches un der
the ca rpets foracce ss into the double
floor (plus one to service the in board
water tanks), the larger one op ening
to reveal a 450mm-deep wine cellar or
shoe/boot store, which is also home+
place than most other A-classes but
mechanical din is actually better
suppressed than ina standard Ducato.
And, of course,there’s a welcome lack
of noises from the living area,too.
Performance is more than adequate
with the 150bhpMultijet motor, which
we would always recommend for any
A-class upto 7.5m.
The engine upgrade wasone of 14
extra cost option s added to this t est
vehicl e – plus a further fourpacks of
goodie s. All t old they add over £16k
to the price (and more than 250kgof
weight), which is not u nusual for a
top-notch German A-class butmight
be a shock if the £80,660list price is
only ju st within budget.
You might be able to live without
some of the extras but the Chassis
Package (with automatic air-con,
crui se control, additional seat
adjustment, etc, for £2,265) and
Comfort Package (Midi Heki s kylight
over lounge, flyscreen door, SOG toilet
fan, TV bracket, bedroom USB, etc,at
£1,585)should surely be standard. The
central lo cking forthe ha bitatio n door
(£340) and electric element forthe
heating (£505) aremore must-haves,
but it will be important tokeep a close
eye on not ju st the cost but the mass
of the extras if you wantto stay on a
3,500kgchassis (the test vehicl e had
been uprated to 3,850kgto maintain a
good payload).
Of course,with so muchstorage on
offer, a trip to the weighbridge will
be advisab le before you tour. The
rear garage (enhanced here with
chequerplate flooring at £125and
needle felt on the wa lls andadditional
“Ona cost permetre basis this Ca rthago loks expensive but
we’repleased to find omuch luxury in welunder 7m”
Carthago C-tourer I 141 LE TESTED
The second large garage door and chequerplate flooring are options
The optionaloven/grill is mounted
conveniently low down
There is masses of kitchen
storage in five big drawers