September 19
The motorhomewave
I can’t see the point of waving
to random strangers who
happen tobe driving oneof
thousandsof vehicl es similar
to mine buthey ho, if it makes
others happy then why not?
However, is the need t o
wave s o ingrained that it must
be exec uted even when both
the waver and the waved at are
negotiating a tight bend in the
pouringrain on a narrow road
at dusk? Yes is the answer if the
experience of my recent trip
to Scotland is anything to go
by. I’d rather be concentrating
on my driving than worryin g
about social n iceties.
MayI also take this
opport unity to apologise toall
those wavers I ha ve ign ore d
over the years. You’ll know who
I am:the miserable-looking
so and so with both hands
clenched ti ghtly onthe wheel.
Phil Smith
Why spend £80,
to shower in someone
else’s dirt?
It was interesting toread Penny
Granger’s article onshower
blocks onsites ( June, p93)
and it dovetailed nicely with
J Mitchley’s letter onpage
10 where he questionedhis
decision tosplash out on an
expensive ‘toy’.
We have been motorhoming
for 19 years –tempted by
a campervan holiday in
New Zealand 20 years ago.
In this timewe have had
two campervans and one
We loved ou r first
campervan, aMercedes
Sprinterconverted by Youngs
in Milton Keynes, butwe
thought we would try oneof
those ‘white boxes onwheels’,
if n ot only to enjoythe space.
Yes, the space was nice and,
yes, it was good to w ave at
fellow motorhomers coming
the ot her wa y.
However, afterthree
years and 50,000miles, the
awkwardness, the inability to
go down narrow country lanes,
the frustration of low barriers
and the sticking out like a
sore thumb when we parked
up at ni ght (we ha ve never,
in 19 years, been o n a site),
encouraged us to goback to a
campervan –again, a Mercedes
Sprinter, butthis ti me a lo ng-
When fitting outthe two
campervans, we had a calorifier
and Eberspächerdiesel heater
fitted and, when we bought
the coachbui lt, the first
thing we did was to have the
old-fashioned and inefficient
Trumaheate r taken out and
a calorifier and Eberspächer
heater fitted.
What is a calorifier? Yes,
thatis what every motorhome
salesman has said to uswhen
we were looking to buythat big
white box on wheels.
A calorifier is a hot water
tank – the same asmost
homes hadbefore combination
boil ers for their centralheatin g
systemsbecame the norm.
Ours runs off the enginehot
water system; we drive along
and the water in the system is
being heated ready tosupply
instant hot water as soon aswe
stop. The calorifier canalso be
heated by an immersionheater
if staying on a site for days on
end is your thing and the bonus
is that the water stays hot
enough for ashower even after
a couple of days of no driving.
So why do n’t motorhome
manufacturers fit them?
Money. Trumasystems are
quick, cheap and easy toinstall.
That’s where the two
aforementioned articles
doveta il. Why dopresumably
sensible, rationalpeople spend
tens of thous ands of pounds on
a motorhome and then use site
shower blocks where go odness
knows who hasused them
before? Yes, they are cleaned
every day, but not between
every person who usesthem.
Yes, we love our campervan,
travelling an average of 15,
miles a year, but will we ever
shower in someone else’s dirt?
No thanks.
Richard C
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