September 199
A round-up of the latestgear andgadgets
“This chairis far too supportive and
comfortablefor me.Pass me the
lightweight stool,” said no onein
the history of motorhoming.
OK, so there are size and
weight implications of
carrying chairs like this
Hampton DLX from
Vangobut, if you can
justify it,then it’s
worth thesacrifice.
Just leavethe children
at home! The Hampton
is a fairlystandard
fold-outchair but is
well-cushioned and has
an attachedpad that
moves upand down socan
beusedas a headrest orfor lumbar
support. There are six backrest positionsso youcan use it like
a recliner. The ergonomicfeet arealso really good as theykeep
it verystable when sitting on uneven/squishygroundlike grass.
Theweight is 5.64kg and it doesfold flatfor easy storage. The
recommended priceis £65, butwefound itfor £45 online.
Is your home filled withgadgets?Well,
here’sone more to add to thekit list.
It’s an indoor securitycamera
that you can dial into with
your smartphone when
you areawayin the
motorhome. Itrecords in incredible 1080p resolution (there’sa
720p versionavailable, too) and has a wide-angle aswell asa
night visionfunction. Iteven comes with a speaker so you can
speakto your loved ones (or scare the heck out of thieves intent
on stealing your valuables). It’s easy to set upin a matter of
minutes and can be fitted with a micro-SD to record videos. It
will record videos whenmotion is detected and you can play
these through the app.
There’sa magnetic base aswell asa metal plate to allow you
to mount it wherever youwant.You can addasmany cameras as
youwantand you could give the app and account to friendsand
family, too. Thereis one slight drawback –you need a WiFi signal
in your home, but most people have this now. The C1C costs
from £39 to £59.99 through Amazon, AOorVery.
Thanks tothis appI now
have hundredsof
pictures of plants and
leaves onmyphone –I
had to test it out, you
see. It may be a bit
nerdy but there have
been loadsoftimes
whenvisiting gardens
that I have wondered
whata plant is and
whether it will suitmy
garden at home.
Thisapp tells you
what that plant is.Take
a photo or accessyour
camera photos, loadin the picture and select how you
want to identify thatplant (leaf, flower, fruit or bark,
etc)and theapp comesupwith a list of suggestions.
It’s incredibly cleverand perfectfor indulging your
inner gardening geek. Plus it’s free todownloadfor
both Android and Apple phones.
Apple App Store and Google Play
Is your home filled with gadgets? Well,
here’s one more to add to the kit list.
It’s an indoor security camera
Over 100% ofmotorhomers takeawaytheir petswith them
(*percentages may havebeen exaggerated)and petfood can be both
bulky and heavy.
That’s where Pure petfoodcomes in. It’s driedfood that makes up
intowet food(just addwarmwater) so is an all-in-one product that
savesspaceand weight. It iswell worthwhile especially if youare going
away for some time as it doubles up on the quantity it makes.
The box itself is robustand it comeswith itsown measure, all
instructions are easy tofollow and are on the back of the box,so you
can’t lose any pieces of paper. How much you shouldgive your dog is all
donebytheirweight. So that is the
important thingyou need to know.
Bestof all the Jack Russell that
testedit is quite a fussy eater, but he
loves it! It couldbe classed asa
downside depending onyour sense of
smell but the beef, oncemixed,
smells likeliver.
The cost of a 500g pack is
£14.99 to£17.99, howeverbigger
quantitiesareavailable,asis a
starter pack, whichis priced at
£59.99 that allows you to trial the
main meals and treats.
)01422 379007