204 outandaboutlive.co.ukSeptember 2019
There’s a £25 prize each for the crossword
and sudoku puzzles, soget your thinking
cap on andyou could be a winner!
Whenyou ha ve solved the crossword the coloured
squares highlight a motorhome-related anagram
1 Brilliantly dramatic end to career, life, etc (5,2,5)
9 Major river ofPakistan (5)
10 Verse form of 10 or 13 linesrunning on two rhymes (7)
11 Scandinavian wargod (4)
12 Increase in extent or intensity (8)
14 Punch comprising cream and other farm produce (6)
15 Basic SI unit of electric current (6)
18 Ugli scar? (anag) (8)
20 All the rage (4)
22 Straighten out (7)
23 Coarse durable twill-weave cotton fabric (5)
24 Disturbance (4,2,6)
2 Putting on deposit (7)
3 Energy (4)
4 Swarm (6)
5 French police oficer (8)
6 Drama or comedy set to music (5)
7 Don’t mention it (5,7)
8 Gain distinction (3,4,5)
13 Informally, a person active ingovernment (8)
16 Make better or more attractive (7)
17 Latinised abbreviation for Cambridge (University) (6)
19 Quotient of two numbers (5)
21 Blue-pencil (4)
Whenyou ha ve solved the
Sudokuyou will have three
igures in the coloured
squares, reading from the
top to the bottom
Enter the numbers for sudoku and
the anagram for the crossword on the
online form (see below).
The closing date for both the
crossword and sudoku is
26 September 2019.For T&Cs go to
Just for fun
Find the 19 types of trousers
and shorts
WIN £50
HOWTO ENTERGo online to enter the crossword & sudoku for free.
Good luck! outandaboutlive.co.uk/motorhomes/competitions