Happiful – August 2019

(Barry) #1

Playsuit | New Look, Shoes | Kurt Geiger

to spreading the word about the
power of therapy, and promoting
the type of self-belief she
demonstrated when she changed
her own life-direction last year.
And for cynics who might feel that
self-belief is easier for someone
who has the success Grace has
now? They would do well to look
at her journey to the place she is in
today. “It’s a privilege for some not
to have self-belief,” Grace asserts.
“I think that if you go around
life and you get things handed to
you, you’re obviously not going to
believe anything bigger than that,
because it’s just normal to you.
“Whereas me, I had to believe
that I was going to get out of my
family situation, the home town I
grew up in, I had to believe that,
otherwise life would have been
really f**king sh*t. So, I have great
self-belief because I think it can get
you places nothing else can.
“I haven’t gone to university,”
Grace continues. “I wasn’t
particularly academic. I just lead
a really incredible life because I
believe that I deserve it. I think
more women should believe that
they deserve to be happy and
ascend in their power.”
Embracing her own power, and
championing others, is important
to Grace. She has started a new
must-listen podcast, ‘The Sister
Space’, with good friend Simone
Powderly, to address everything
from surving childhood sexual
abuse and learning to be without
trauma, to changing careers,
sex positivity, spirituality, and
body love. It’s full of honest talk,
emotional vulnerability, and
women supporting, and proudly
celebrating, other women. >>>
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