Happiful – August 2019

(Barry) #1

Tune in to you

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We love hearing from you, get in touch: REBECCA THAIR | EDITOR

We all do it: push ourselves to breaking point, trying
to spin all the plates, hold all the hands, juggle all the

We plough on, feeling the strain, trying to stay strong
and measure up against some indeterminate bar the
world will hold us to. We see our value measured by
how many boxes we’ve ticked off on the ‘life goals’
list, rather than by what the intricate calibrations
our personalities add to the world, and connections,
around us.

But, the question remains, who are we working
ourselves into the ground for?

As we approach summer, we want you to soak up
some of that vitamin D – and feel the self-acceptance
in the air. It’s time for a breather – from the pressures
we put ourselves under, the dreams that have to
be achieved today, and the feelings of guilt and
inadequacy that weigh heavy on our shoulders.

Feel empowered this August, as you hear from our
incredible cover star Grace Victory, who broke the
wheel of her life in order to start a new cycle of
healing. Discover the concept of ‘sisu’; you’ve almost
certainly displayed it before, but is it healthy going
forwards? And put things into perspective with
insight from professional adventurer and ex-Royal
Marine Aldo Kane.
A quote from Albert Einstein really captures the spirit
of this issue: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to
be of value.”
When we tune in to just how
valuable we truly are, the
external milestones, accolades,
and applause can wait. It’s just
white noise in the symphony of
our multi-tonal glory.
Listen. Your true self is calling,
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