Model Aircraft – September 2019

(Nandana) #1


f you didn’t recognise, the above phrase,
it’s from the motion picture Top Gun,
and that was my feeling when I opened
this Signifer kit. It’s a multi-media model
with the main components in plastic, like
wings and fuselage, but all the rest are resin
parts, and superbly cast resin parts I must say,
but I knew it was going to be a challenging
project from the outset!

As mentioned, the interior was fully
represented with resin parts, and includes a
cockpit section, the wall that separated the
cockpit from the main cabin, a radio station,
seats and wheel wells. The details were great
and demanded a careful painting work that
stared with a coat of Ammo by MIG One Shot
Grey Primer. Then following my references, the
insides were painted in Interior Green, except
from the cabin seats which received a Light
Grey colour and the anti-skid surfaces on the
cabin loor, these were brush painted in a Dark
Grey shade. A Deep Brown wash was then used
to accent all the great details and then some

acrylics were brush painted to give some colour
to speciic parts. Before securing everything
in the fuselage I decided to pin all seats to the
cabin loor, as if any of them became loose
after closing the airframe, that would be a great
problem! Instead of using clear parts cement to
glue the windows I opted by regular extra thin
cement. This should be used carefully to avoid
marring the clear parts but provides a stronger
bond. Again, just an extra care to avoid any
problems later.
Fitting of all resin parts was surprisingly
easy. The interior pieces required some
adjustments but nothing to worry about. The

Manufacturer: Signiier
Scale: 1:4 8
K i t Ty p e: Multi-media
Kit Number: 480001

Grumman JRF-5 Goose

Talk to Me


Mario Serelle guides you
through building, painting and
weathering the 1:48 Signiier
Grumman JRF-5 Goose

After removing the resin blocks, all interior
components received a Grey Primer coat




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