HO scale
October 2019 13
dual-mode Paragon3 sound decoder
with Rolling Thunder. $329.99. Broadway
Limited Imports, 386-673-8900,
N scale freight cars
- American Car & Foundry two-bay
Center Flow covered hopper. Rock
Island, American Car & Foundry Co.
(gray with ACFX reporting marks), Blue
Circle Cement (gray), and eight other
road names. Injection-molded plastic
model with metal wheelsets. $27.95.
InterMountain Railway Co., 800-472-
2530, http://www.intermountain-railway.com - Department of Defense flatcar
with Humvee load. Buckeye six-wheel
trucks, plastic wheelsets, tie-down chains,
and Magne-Matic couplers. Three-pack,
Humble Home. This injection-molded plastic structure is part of the DPM
Building Kit line from Woodland Scenics. The Humble Home ($18.99) features
injection-molded plastic construction and includes metal detail parts. Figures,
street light, details, and landscaping are not included. Woodland Scenics,
573-346-5555, http://www.woodlandscenics.com