Broadcast Magazine – 22 August 2019

(Barry) #1

50 | Broadcast | 23 August 2019


Figures are for all homes and include HD and +1 where applicable

1 CORONATION STREET MON 19.30 5.35 33.41 ITV
2 EMMERDALE WED 19.00 5.34 32.79 ITV
3 CORONATION STREET WED 19.30 5.29 31.11 ITV
4 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW SUN 20.00 5.25 30.36 BBC1
5 CORONATION STREET FRI 19.30 5.10 31.72 ITV
6 EMMERDALE MON 19.00 5.06 33.01 ITV
7 EMMERDALE FRI 19.00 5.03 32.15 ITV
8 CORONATION STREET MON 20.30 4.91 28.62 ITV
9 COUNTRYFILE SUN 19.00 4.89 31.31 BBC1
10 EMMERDALE THU 19.00 4.86 32.09 ITV
11 EMMERDALE TUE 19.00 4.85 32.05 ITV
12 CORONATION STREET FRI 20.30 4.54 26.60 ITV
13 EMMERDALE THU 20.00 4.51 29.81 ITV
14 CORONATION STREET WED 20.30 4.49 24.25 ITV
15 POLDARK SUN 21.00 4.34 25.76 BBC1/Mammoth Screen
16 BBC NEWS SUN 22.00 4.32 30.32 BBC1
17 BBC NEWS AT SIX WED 18.00 4.28 29.78 BBC1
18 BBC NEWS AT SIX FRI 18.00 4.18 29.75 BBC1
19 EASTENDERS MON 20.00 4.12 24.97 BBC1
20 EMMERDALE TUE 20.00 4.10 24.62 ITV
21 EASTENDERS TUE 19.30 3.98 25.60 BBC1
22 EASTENDERS THU 19.30 3.90 25.61 BBC1
23 EASTENDERS FRI 20.00 3.86 23.00 BBC1
24 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? MON 21.00 3.78 22.62 BBC1/Wall to Wall
24 BBC NEWS AT SIX TUE 18.00 3.78 29.38 BBC1
26 BBC NEWS AT SIX MON 18.00 3.72 28.74 BBC1
27 DEEP WATER WED 21.00 3.62 21.20 ITV/Kudo
28 ITV EVENING NEWS WED 18.30 3.52 23.15 ITV/ITN
29 THE CHASE WED 17.0 0 3.47 29.74 ITV/Potato
30 BBC NEWS AT SIX THU 18.00 3.43 27.30 BBC1
30 BBC NEWS AT TEN THU 22.00 3.43 26.38 BBC1
32 BBC NEWS AT TEN MON 22.00 3.42 25.86 BBC1
33 CASUALTY SAT 21.20 3.40 22.64 BBC1
34 ITV EVENING NEWS FRI 18.30 3.38 22.89 ITV/ITN
35 THE BEST LITTLE PRISON IN BRITAIN? WED 20.00 3.31 19.33 ITV/Amazing Productions
36 THE CHASE FRI 17.0 0 3.30 29.43 ITV/Potato
37 BBC NEWS SUN 18.35 3.25 22.88 BBC1
38 BBC NEWS SAT 22.10 3.22 23.99 BBC1
39 ITV EVENING NEWS MON 18.30 3.16 22.08 ITV/ITN
40 SHOP WELL FOR LESS? WED 20.00 3.14 17.63 BBC1/RDF West
41 ITV EVENING NEWS TUE 18.30 3.10 22.37 ITV
42 BBC NEWS AT TEN WED 22.00 3.01 21.24 BBC1
43 HOLBY CITY TUE 20.00 2.97 17.99 BBC1
44 THE CHASE MON 17.0 0 2.95 28.93 ITV/Potato
45 THE ONE SHOW FRI 19.00 2.91 18.62 BBC1
46 BBC NEWS AT TEN FRI 22.00 2.88 22.30 BBC1
47 THE CHASE TUE 17.0 0 2.87 29.24 ITV/Potato
47 THE ONE SHOW WED 19.00 2.87 17.61 BBC1
49 BBC NEWS AT TEN TUE 22.00 2.83 20.74 BBC1
50 MATCH OF THE DAY SAT 22.30 2.81 28.61 BBC1



This week, ITV’s
new drama – not
so still waters
running deep
and all that –
began solidly
and could be a
returner. Meanwhile, still mostly
famous for spending a lot of time in
water, BBC1’s latest celebrity to go all
genealogical did handily too. Else-
where, the schedules trod their own
waters – playing some movies before
the rights expire, with a sprinkling
of repeats – ready for next weekend
when the autumn deluge begins.

This week, BBC1’s Who Do You
Think You Are? ferreted around
Kate Winslet’s history in front
of 3.8 million/23% at 9pm,
126,000 and one share point fewer
than last week’s Jack Whitehall
edition. It was well ahead of
ITV’s Long Lost Family: What
Happened Next opposite
(2.5 million/15%; 263,000 +1).

At 8pm, ITV’s Emmerdale (3.9
million/23%; 204,000 +1) was
well ahead of BBC1’s Holby City
(3 million/ 18%), which in turn beat
ITV’s Yorkshire Airport at 8.30pm
(1.8 million/11%; 49,000 +1). At
9pm, BBC1 thriller Keeping Faith
mustered just 2 million/13% but
still managed to win the slot, beating
ITV’s Caught On Camera oppo-
site (1.6 million/10%; 39,000 +1),
which was just ahead of Channel 4’s
24 Hours In A&E (1.4 million/
9%; 189,000 +1) and Channel 5’s
best of the week, documentary
The Town The Gypsies Took Over
(1.3 million/9%; 111,000 +1).

New mid-week

drama launches

well as repeats and

movies fi ll the pre-

autumm schedules

returner. Meanwhile, still mostly

Deep Water

makes a

splash for ITV

Deep Water: 3.5m/20%

Who Do You Think You Are?:


All BARB ratings supplied by Attentional

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