Official Xbox Magazine USA – October 2019

(Marcin) #1

much slower and more awkward than
it needs to be. It might seem like a
minor thing next to promises of shiny
new features and beefed up hardware,
but a really strong, user-friendly
foundation for the system’s dashboard
is a must in my eyes.

Drew: You know, I don’t think I’m
actually looking for anything new in
features, come to think of it. I’d rather
just see better implementation of
the stuff that’s there now. But by all
means, Microsoft, feel free to surprise
me. Last generation I didn’t know I
needed a screenshot button, but I use
it all the time now.

Robin: Yeah I definitely agree there

  • the best new feature is the one
    we’d never think of in a million years.
    Surprise us, Microsoft!

Drew: I don’t think you need to touch
the controller, mind. That thing is pretty
much perfect for what it needs to be.

Adam: They’ll keep the shape but I’m
sure they’ll add new buttons. They’ll
probably make the new Elite controller
compatible with Scarlett, too.

Warren: I’d love to see the Elite
controller bundled with the new system
as standard. We may see a completely
new design of controller, with all-new

features, but it’s hard to imagine a new
controller beating the Elite on sheer
flexibility for customisation.

Robin: Ultimately it’s all about the
games though, right? For me, I’m not so
interested in just improved graphics – I
feel we’re getting diminishing returns
there. What I want to see is big, new,
demanding systems in games – like
the way Watch Dogs Legion is trying to
simulate a whole city.

Drew: It feels like open worlds are
obsessed with size and scale, and I’d
like to see resources pointed at adding
density to big maps. I want more cities
like The Witcher 3’s Novigrad, basically.

Warren: From a development point
of view, Microsoft needs a no-fuss
architecture in Scarlett, one that’ll
entice developers to create exclusive
titles for Xbox. Saying that, having the
ability to jump on my PC to continue
playing any Xbox game also needs
to be possible as I really enjoyed the
ability to do so in Sea Of Thieves.

Adam: I also think there should
definitely be an evolution of
Achievements, for your Gamerscore to
really mean something other than just
be a number.

Drew: At the very least, a reward like a
title you can add to your Gamertag if
you unlock all achievements for a game
would be nice. For example, you would
get ‘Racoon City Survivor’ for 100 per
cent-ing Resident Evil 2.

Warren: My final hardware wish would
be the ability to ‘upgrade’ Scarlett. The
Xbox One X was great as an update, but
I’d like to see a console manufacturer
introduce a modular upgrade path.
Faster CPUs, GPUs or RAM that could
be slotted in an expansion slot would
be really interesting and engaging
for owners, even a return to easily
swappable HDDs would be welcome.

Adam: I’m sure there will be something
added to the console that we can’t
even fathom right now. We live in
exciting times and I can’t see what the
team comes up with. Q

Project Scarlett is due to release in
time for holiday 2020.


“The best new

feature is the

one we’d never

think of in a

million years”



Adam Bryant
Staff writer
Wants more
opportunities to
brag about his
Gamerscore. We
suggested he print it
on a T-shirt for now.

Drew Sleep
Production editor
Doesn’t quite know
what he wants. He’d
rather wait for the
talented bods over
at Microsoft HQ to tell
him, really.

Warren Brown
Senior art editor
Loves thinking about
the possibilities of
future gaming tech...
and then going home
to his collection of
retro consoles.

Robin Valentine
Wants to hear about
the games, not the
technical specs.
Mostly because he
doesn’t understand
what a ‘teraflop’ is.

I would love to have the
Snap feature back.
Loved it when I first got
my Xbox One.
Unfortunately, it didn’t
stay long.
Avery Gibson

I would really like a tea
urn. Just a small one.
Like three to five litres.
With a tap straight on
the pad.
David Hodge

I would love to be able
to use voice commands
for messages, code
inputting, club
messages etc. All that
trying to type on that
keyboard is horrible.
Lisa Liene

Maybe include VR
games and produce
your own VR headsets. I
would like to play Beat
Saber some time.
Yamni Semans

Apple Music, Discord
and more features
involving the Avatars.
Emily Contreras

Backwards controller
capability for all
previous Xbox consoles.
Gregory James

A complete revamp of
the UI. I would love to
see themes added and
things organised better.
Timothy Gray

Agree with the above? Have
your own ideas? Tell us at



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