Official Xbox Magazine USA – October 2019

(Marcin) #1
instead focus on ones starting with ‘why’,
and then, looking at the world around you,
try answering these questions,” says Marek.
“For example, it’s no secret what sort of
components went into making a Roman
legionnaire’s galea, it’s not something
that’s particularly hard to research
nowadays. The real art is answering
questions like why the galea looked the way
it did, or why were was the neck guard
shaped the way it was, for example.”
“Make sure to show your thought process!”
says Redesiuk. “It’s important for people to

see how you got from your initial sketches to
the finished piece. And while showcasing a
specific project, don’t skip the thumbnails,
sketches, or colour variations!”
“If you’re thinking about applying to work
at a particular studio, it might be a good idea
to do some research beforehand, check out
what kind of stuff artists there are creating,”
says Madej. “I also think it’s equally important
to use your portfolio to show that apart from
being a good fit, you’re also someone with the
potential to introduce something fresh and
interesting into the project.”

it allows us to directly influence the emotions
of gamers. It’s also quite fun knowing that
something you’re creating might gross out
thousands of people at once!”

Just the job
Finding a job in the world of concept art
for videogames is tough, and everyone has
their own story. But what does seem to be
universal is that the most important thing is
just to start making art. Create pieces, build
up a body of work, and get loads of practice
along the way. Beyond that... well, our experts
have some advice.
“There are many ways one could break
in,” says Bacon. “A stunning portfolio is the
most important thing one would need to land
a concept art job, though the conventional
checklist is an art or design degree and
tuning a portfolio to meet the standards of
the studio or genre you are aiming for.”
Things have changed dramatically over
the years, however, and with the prevalence
of YouTube, online lessons and tutorials,
learning is more accessible than ever.
“I think it’s pretty safe to say one could, in
theory, find enough knowledge online to skip
a traditional art education,” continues Bacon.
“With that said, I think there is nothing quite
like a bricks and mortar education experience
where the student goes through the rigours
of a ‘complete’ program.”
Going through the traditional education
process also grants opportunities for
building connections. “Having that network
from college and mentorship from teachers
early on can be vital in portfolio building
and landing those first jobs or internships,”
says Bacon. “Soft skills, communication
and attributes like being a team player are
important as well but often fall lower on the
skill tree behind a portfolio – especially when
first starting out. When getting hired is the
main goal, work samples are what will get the
hiring manager’s attention and ultimately get
your proverbial foot in the door.”
Or there’s the more contemplative
approach. “I would suggest you stop asking
yourself questions starting with ‘what’, and

1 Far Cry 5
2 The Witcher 3
3 Halo 5:
4 From Jessica
5 Doom Eternal
6 Doom Eternal






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