Soap Opera Digest – September 02, 2019

(WallPaper) #1

■ Kevin is furious when
he discovers that Michael
has had Chloe arrested for
her attempt to kill Adam in

  1. He charges into the
    police station and punches
    his brother in the face. As
    Kevin rants that his fam-
    ily has been destroyed,
    Michael has him arrested,
    as well. Later, the new
    DA enters the interroga-
    tion room, where Kevin
    and Chloe are individu-
    ally handcuffed. “Chloe is
    scared, in fact, she’s terri-
    fied,” sighs her portrayer,
    Elizabeth Hendrickson.
    “She’s also extremely frus-
    trated that she’s back in the
    position of possibly being
    kept from her daughter
    again. She’s also feeling
    guilty because she doesn’t
    want Kevin to get in any
    trouble for her mistakes.”
    Kevin accuses Michael
    of taking Chloe into cus-
    tody just to score points in
    his new position. A con-
    cerned Chloe pleads with
    Michael to leave Kevin out
    of her mess. “Kevin has
    done so much for Chloe
    and has saved her and pro-
    tected her so many times,”
    Hendrickson notes. “She
    doesn’t want him to pay
    for her wrongdoings. She’s
    also really worried that if
    they both go down, then
    there’s no one there for

Bella. Only one person
should be prosecuted and
since this is all her fault,

Kevin shouldn’t be tak-
ing any blame and should
be released immediately.
Their emotions are really
running high. They’re just
going moment by moment
with what’s happening and
right now, the task at hand
is making sure that every-
one doesn’t end up in jail.”
Michael finally explains
that he had no choice but
to bust Kevin because he

clocked the DA in front
of a room full of cops.
Kevin is stunned when he
realizes that his arrest was
just for show. “Chloe has
a moment of being very
thankful that she’s part of
the Fisher/Baldwin fami-
ly,” Hendrickson chuckles.
“As crazy as they may be,
they really do have each
other’s back.”
Michael then reveals
his true plan. “Kevin and
Chloe are in utter shock,”
previews Hendrickson.
“By no means did they
think that Michael would
help them like this.
However, they’re still very
nervous and not expecting
a positive outcome at all.”








are really
running high.”


late-breaking news

Going Down: Chloe (Hendrickson) and Kevin (Greg Rikaart, c.)
assume Michael (Christian J. LeBlanc) has betrayed them.
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