Autocar UK – 21 August 2019

(lily) #1


Skoda Octavia vRS

I f it w ou ld not b e r i g ht t o r e ga rd t he

Octavia vRS as a Volkswagen Golf

GTI with a lot more space for a little

le s s mone y, t he n it w ou ld not b e f a r

off the mark. The Octavia vRS also

shows that good design is enduring

design: six years and one facelift into

its life, its ability to make this list is

an achievement in its own right.

Audi A6 Avant

Not the fastest estate out there,

not the most capacious, not the

best-handling, not even the most

comfortable. But average out its

abilities and you’ll find that, all

round, the A6 Avant is an admirably

capable car – and does not all-round

ability lie at the very heart of what we

w a nt f r om s uc h c a r s?

Volvo XC90

Given the brilliance of much of what

h a s c ome si nc e , it ’s e a s y t o for ge t

that the renaissance – scratch that

  • transformation of Volvo started

right here with this big SUV. And

the stylish, spacious XC90, with its

effortlessly cool and airy interior, is

still a mighty pleasant way to while

away a long journey.





BMW i3

Six years into its life, there’s still nothing quite like the i3. Maybe that’s because it has

not been the runaway sales success that BMW hoped for. Even so, for the right person,

an i3 can still make more sense than any other car out there. And it’s fun to drive – not

s ome t h i ng w e ’d le ap t o s ay ab out mo s t e le c t r ic c a r s.

Bentley Bentayga

Any car is doing well just to make this list, but were it still available with diesel power, the

Bentley SUV would be even further up than this. Despite unprepossessing looks and its

odd name, the Bentayga still feels like the best engineered SUV out there and therefore a

product to be proud of.


Best Citroën? If you count the

van-derived Berlingo, that by

a mile. Failing that, we do have

something of a soft spot for

the spacious, comfortable

C4 SpaceTourer, with its

improved dynamics.


We know the 500 hatch remains

the darling of the urban

chic set but, for us, it can’t

approach the charm of the

back-to-basics Panda. A good,

honest small car, just like all

the best Fiats down the years.


The LC Coupé got really close

to appearing on our top 50 list.

I t ’s h a r d to j u sti f y o b j e c ti ve l y,

but the big V8 is a car for

which we have a lot of genuine

affection. Great looking and

with echoes of the LFA.


Lots to choose from here,

from the Micra to the GT-R,

but it’s the new Leaf, with its

far more engaging drivetrain

and enticing appearance,

that comes closest to making

the grade.


Sadly, there’s nothing from

the once great Italian brand

that troubled the shortlist. The

Levante SUV came closest.

It at least looks great and, in

Trofeo form, now has proper

Maserati performance.




The tyre-smokers

say it’s worth only

three stars but I’ve

a weakness for the

XV, whose decent

ground clearance,

short overhangs and

general toughness

make it the antidote

to the namby-pamby,

drive-to-schoolness of

the Honda CR-V, Nissan

Qashqai and other soft

SUVs. Love the quirky

mechanicals and the

somewhat industrial

look of the styling. SC

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