Autocar UK – 21 August 2019

(lily) #1


26–15 TOP 50 CARS

Aston Martin DB11 AMR

Wa nt a DB11 w it h a 1 2- c y l i nde r

engine? We wouldn’t blame you.

And now that Aston Martin has

rolled the suspension and steering

improvements introduced on the

DB11 V8 out ont o t h i s v e r sion of t he

car – the DB11 AMR – you can have

the best of both worlds. The 630bhp

motor is a dream, while the car’s ride

is more elastic and insulating than

was the original V12’s – but with

c lo s e r b o d y c ont r ol , t o o.

Ford Focus

The days of the mass-market, all-dominant, volume-branded family hatch

may be an increasingly dim memory – but thanks to its new model platform

and a fine dynamic execution, you don’t need to remember the late 1990s to

have known the Focus at its greatest. The current version, introduced only last

year, puts the car back at the height of its powers. Both better packaged and

better equipped than its predecessor, the fourth-generation Focus also weaves

its old magic with keen engines, a taut, f luent chassis and incisive steering.

Volvo XC40

The sheer ubiquity of the premium-branded compact SUV makes most of

them all but invisible on UK roads – but not this one. Volvo’s chunkily and

cheerily styled XC40 is approaching two years old but remains as fresh a

sight today as it has ever been. Combining a small-feeling footprint with

an unmistakable and convenient SUV driving position, it has a fairly

roomy and very pleasant cabin and is easy and obliging to drive.

Volkswagen Golf

(including the GTI and R)

The Golf will pass its 50th anniversary

in its next, eighth-generation model

cycle, which is due later this year.

And the amazing thing is that it

h a s b e e n s o c on si s t e nt l y V W ’s b e s t-

selling model. The current version

is compact yet roomy, refined and

p ol i she d t o d r i v e a nd , e v e n on t he e v e

of its replacement, still as ageless as

it i s c l a s sle s s. B ot h GT I a nd a l l-paw R

performance derivatives are excellent.

Jaguar I-Pace

Jaguar was a struggling car maker with it all to lose when it took a

c on side r a ble r i sk w it h it s f i r s t e le c t r ic c a r, br e a k i n g dow n de si g n nor m s

a nd m a k i n g w av e s i n t he pr o c e s s. T he I-Pa c e b e at mo s t of it s E V SU V r i v a l s

to market and is still making them look staid and conservative today. It’s a

true Jaguar on driver appeal, and imaginative and advanced, too, in its cabin

appointments. A tour de force.


The Continental GT V8 coupé

off ers sharpened handling

and more accessible torque







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