Autocar UK – 21 August 2019

(lily) #1




It had no service history so

he reduced his off er by £1750


26,000 miles, both services carried

out by an independent garage in

  1. There were no invoices to show

what work had been done.

“They’ll probably have been oil

changes,” said the salesman. “In any

case, the Captur can go for 40,000

miles without one.”

In fact, the model’s oil change

i nt e r v a l i s 18, 0 0 0 m i le s or t w o y e a r s.

I asked the National Franchised

Dealers Association (NFDA) what it

thinks about dealers glossing over

the fine detail of service histories in

this way. Sue Robinson, its director,

said: “It is essential that franchised

retailers provide their customers

with clear and accurate information

about the service history of a vehicle.

Transparency and integrity are vital

to our sector.”

Was the motor trader that the

Renault salesman mentioned right

to penalise the four-year-old Zafira

without service history to the tune
of £1750? Derren Martin, head of

valuations at Cap HPI, says the cost

o discover how lightly

a full service history

is treated, I visited a

used car dealer and

a franchise dealer in

search of a couple of used cars out

of warranty. I hoped they’d have

poor service histories and wondered

how the sales staff would handle

the situation.

At the used car dealer, I quickly

identified my target motor: a 2011-

reg Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI S

line with 135,000 miles, priced at

£4395. The salesman produced its

s e r v ic e b o ok , w h ic h show e d on l y fou r

services had been carried out: one

at 21,000 miles in 2012, another at

44,000 miles at the end of the same

year and a third in 2013 at 67,000

miles, all by Audi dealers, and then

nothing until early 2019 when, at

130,000 miles, it was serviced by an

independent garage.

Unfazed by this revelation, the

salesman said he had the previous

owner’s word that the car had

been serviced regularly during the

intervening six years and 63,000

miles. So that was all right then...

I left, pondering the meaning of

service history. The Audi had some

but by no means could it be described

as full. In any case, I wondered,

w h at i s f u l l s e r v ic e h i s t or y? I s it a n

unbroken line of services performed

e v e r y y e a r or 1 2 , 0 0 0 m i le s , or at

the manufacturer’s recommended

i nt e r v a l s? I s it f u l l on l y w he n a l l

the minor and major services have

been carried out, in addition to

other periodic work? If that was the

case, you’d have to scrutinise all the

workshop invoices to find out exactly

what was done. Amazingly, some

dealers do, which is why they put a

higher value on full invoice history as

d i s t i nc t f r om f u l l s e r v ic e h i s t or y.

O n t h at p oi nt , a f r ie nd r e c e nt l y h a d

his 2016-reg Volkswagen Scirocco

TDI, which had done 33,000 miles,

serviced at a VW dealership.

It was due a major service, but

because he’s planning to sell

it in February 2020, he opted

for a minor. In doing so, his

vehicle missed, among other

things, a change of air, fuel

and pollen filters, and

a thorough, wheels-off

brake check.

Not that the car’s next

owner will know. They will

see from the service book

that the Scirocco has a full

service history, yet on one

occasion, it had a minor

service when it should

have had a major. is

one company that takes

service history rather more

seriously. It defines a full

one as conforming to the

manufacturer’s schedule. It

also advises that car buyers

If you’re lucky, the used car you’re

considering buying may come with
a service book. Assuming it’s not a

forgery or taken from the glovebox

of another car, it should contain

official service stamps, dated and

with mileage readings.

However, things are changing.

More car makers are adopting

electronic or digital service

histories stored remotely from the

car but able to be accessed by the

owner when necessary.

I discovered this when I visited

a BMW dealer in search of an

approved used BMW with a poor

service history or even no service

book. As it turned out, the service

history was full, but of a service

book there was no sign.

Instead, the salesman

simply inserted the ignition

key into the car – a 2015-reg
318d M Sport with 35,000

miles and a screen price of

£14,995 – and in a flash up

popped its service history

on the dashboard screen,

complete with details of the

types of services carried out.

The system isn’t exclusive

to BMW dealers, but an

independent garage wishing

to access it must buy the

necessary diagnostic software

and pay a charge each time

it updates it with a service.

Only services carried out by

BMW dealers or independents

with the approved software

and an account with BMW are

recorded in this way.


find out what service the car is

due t o h av e ne x t si nc e , i f it ’s a

major, for example, it could be


From the dealer with the

Audi A3, I popped into a

franchise dealer, a Renault

agent. My attention was caught

by a Captur Dynamique S Nav

TCe, a 2015-reg model that had

done 35,000 miles and was

priced at £8295.

The salesman agreed that
service history was important and

recounted a story concerning one

of his customers who, on the day he

was due to collect his new Renault,

handed over the service book for

his part-exchange, a four-year-old

Vauxhall Zafira.

“It had no service stamps in it,”

said the salesman. “I couldn’t give

him what I’d offered for his car, and

when I told the trader who had agreed

to buy it that it had no service history,

he reduced his offer by £1750. My

customer ended up selling his Zafira

to a car buying company for £1000

less than I’d originally offered him.”

He now entered the Captur’s

details on Renault’s ICM online

workshop database, intending

to show me its service history. It

recorded the car as having its PDI

(pre-delivery inspection) in August

2015 – and then nothing.

He hurried off in search of the car’s

service book. When he eventually

returned, it showed the car had been
serviced just twice, at 22,000 and

of having no service history

depends on factors including

current vehicle supply and

demand, the make of the

car and whether it’s still

in warranty.

“It’s a complex picture,”

he said. “At the moment, the

s uppl y of u s e d c a r s i s h i g h but

de m a nd i s low, s o a ny t h i n g

less than perfect – for

example, a car with little or

no service history – has to be

priced to sell.

“In a normal period, the cost of

no service history is about £500
on a £10, 0 0 0 c a r. It ’s mor e s e r iou s

on prestige and performance cars,

where buyers expect to see a full

service history.”

Meanwhile, on lower-value

vehicles, it seems that, for some

dealers, service history is something

to be taken very seriously when

buying a car but less so when selling

it. To avoid trouble later down the

road, when you’re next buying a car,

don’t let full service history become

fool’s service history. L

Dealers^ should^ provide^ ‘cl
ear and^ accurate^ info’

It has stamps, but

are they for (^) major
or minor services?

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