HOMES Australian Country 73
towns,” she says. “I’m drawn to the
French-country style and I like to mix
modern with old. You know what they
say; a Sunday well spent brings a week of
content. Sometimes we’ll see something
we like and restore it or I’ll see something
I like in a magazine and ask my husband
to make it. The wooden arches in the
garden and the bathroom are a case in
point. Wallie built those himself.”
Wallie isn’t the only one with the
artistic fl air, as Linda won or placed in
three gardening competitions when they
lived at their former house. “We had this
beautiful 50-year-old English elm tree,
which defi nitely gave me the advantage
in the competitions,” she recalls. “Back
then water was not as expensive. The
local council did annual garden contests
and the fi rst time I came fi rst, the year
after that I came second and the year
after that I came third. I would love it if
they carried out competitions here in
Colonel Light Gardens. I think it would ›