American Rifleman – September 2019

(ff) #1



Virginia Special Session Shows

How Gun Owners Must

Mobilize To Defend Freedom


s many Americans spent the
July 4th weekend enjoying
cookouts, parades, and
fireworks with family and friends, NRA-
ILA and Virginia gun-rights supporters
honored American independence
by mobilizing to defend our unique
Constitutional rights and heritage.
On July 9, the Virginia General
Assembly held a special session to
consider gun-control legislation. Thanks
to the monumental efforts of Old
Dominion gun owners, the General

Assembly convened without passing
any new gun-control laws. That result
should stand as an example to gun
owners across the nation about the
power of well-organized, grassroots
gun-rights activism and the importance
of getting personally involved in pro-
gun efforts.
The special session was called
by Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam
following the May 31 attack at a
public building in Virginia Beach.
As has become the custom among

gun-control advocates, Gov. Northam
wasted little time in attempting to
convert the tragedy into a political
opportunity. Northam announced
the special session during a press
conference on June 4—well before a
comprehensive investigation of the
crime had taken place.
It wasn’t until July 2 that the Virginia
Beach City Council voted a unanimous
10-0 in favor of a resolution directing
the city auditor to arrange for an
independent review of the May 31
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