Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
Issue 170 - 21

Having covered the development of the
Spitfi re and the Seafi re for the RAF and the
Royal Navy, the Preface continues to show
how these aircraft would be used by many
overseas countries. If you are looking for
unusual schemes to add to your model there
are many opportunities shown in the photos
and later amongst the colour profi les.
Chapter 1 shows us, in around 20pp, how
the Griffon Spitfi res developed from the Mk.VIII
to the Mk.24 with descriptive copy describing
each one. Many of the versions are shown
in old photos with profi le line illustrations
to show how the shape was changing with
time. Chapter 2 describes the development
of the Seafi re from the Mk.XV to the Mk.47,
following the same pattern set in Chapter 1.
Chapter 3, only fi ve pages take us through the
development of the Spiteful and Seafang. At
this time the Spitfi re family would ‘run out of
seam’ as jet power would take over.
Chapter 4 on Camoufl age and Markings
extends to around 25pp and provides a wide
range of schemes from which to choose. The
large number of photos and text describes
the background to the schemes, with superb
colour profi les by Richard Caruana and
descriptive captions complete the picture. Both
the RAF and Royal Navy used Griffon-engined
Spitfi res in the late WWII period and on into
the early 1950s when camoufl age schemes

would be replace with overall High-Speed
Silver schemes. At the end of the chapter we
see examples from many of the overseas
Spitfi re equipped air arms.
Chapters 5 and 6 turn from the full size
Spitfi re to those that have been produced in
kit form. Text describes a number of these kits
in the common scales and is as up-to-date
as possible with a description of the recently
released Airfi x 1:48 FR Mk.XIV that is only
just arriving in the shops at the time of writing.
Chapter 6 is where we see several full-build
reviews including one featuring that new Airfi x
Spitfi re. We can imagine the printing press
waiting for these fi nal four pages to arrive
before completing the run. Steve Evans’
review does not pull any punches.
Then we turn to Chapter 7 – Building
a Collection. Again, this is full of great
information for kit builders with all of those big
and small changes that took place from the
fi rst of the Griffon Spitfi res to the fi nal marks.
Anyone looking to produce a model that is a bit
out of the ordinary can see the tweeks needed
to convert parts in the box into a new version.
Chapter 8 – In Detail takes up nearly 30%
of the book and should answer any question
that a modeller could possibly have about
this range of Spitfi res. Each page is covered
with photos (many in colour) and diagrams
showing the ins and outs of every area of the

aircraft. Many old engineering-type drawing
are used to show wiring and plumbing and
every aspect of the inside of the cockpit. If you
need to know how the fuel and oil was moved
around the airframe, you will fi nd your answers
here. There is even diagrams of the canopy
locking mechanism showing how it looks when
open and locked. Those having the urge to
produce a cut-away section of their model will
fi nd internal framework diagrams to guide you
through your project. This is all quite amazing.
As usual the book concludes with a
dozen pages of lists of kits, detail parts
and decals, etc. that have been issued of
the late mark Spitfi res. We often enthuse
about these Airframe & Miniature books but
this one is another step upwards. It is great
value for money, less than you would pay
for all but the most basic kit and contains all
a modeller could need to build one of the
Spitfi re versions mentioned. Author Richard
Franks and publisher Mark Peacock are to be
congratulated on producing an outstanding
Griffon Spitfi re reference book and the 49
volumes before this one.
Thanks again to Valiant Wings for supplying
their latest title for review. See specialist
stockist stands at model shows or visit the
Valiant Wings’ web site: http://www.valiant-wings. for direct online sales details. (Alan
Firbank) ■
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