Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1

The kit contains the following features:
● 274 high quality injection moulded plastic
● 4 photo-etched metal detail parts
● 160hp Daimler-Mercedes D.III engines
● 10 kg Carbonit bombs & LMG 14
Parabellum machine gun armament
● Fine in scale rib tape detail
● Full rigging diagrams.
● High quality Cartograf decals for modifi ed
Gotta UWD 120 which served with See
Flieger Abteilung 1 from March 1916.

The fi rst thing that strikes you –– apart from
the huge box –– is the sheer complexity of the
design and how that has been translated in
miniature. Arguably one of the ugliest aircraft
ever to fl y(!) its ungainly appearance has a
charm all of its own and when you factor into
the mix the incredible detail offered inside the
box and then within the completed model, the
variety of different materials that you have to
replicate and the challenges that painting it will
offer, this kit soon becomes one to savour.
Let’s fi rst deal with the elephant in the room:
the price. This kit is not cheap. At around
£200, the modeller keen to add this kit to
their collection will fi nd its initial purchase
expensive, but I have to state here that I feel
that despite that hefty price tag, the kit is very
good value for money. Once bought, I see
few that will build and paint it in less than 100

hours. Indeed, I can see it taking a lot longer
than that and when that time is spread over
a year, you could be looking at months of
entertainment and at the end of the process,
you will be rewarded with an incredible model
that will dominate any display case in which
it is housed. Cost and value are of course
debatable, personal viewpoints, but in this
case I see this as a kit that modellers will
want and many will see as incredible value for
money when all things are taken into account.
In terms of what’s offered, you cannot fail
but be impressed from the moment the box
is opened. Crammed full of plastic parts, the
package is in many ways typical of a WnWs
kit, it’s just a lot bigger than most! Moulding
quality is fl awless, parts layout across the
7 runners, sensible, and then everything is
topped-off with class-leading instructions,
decals and photo-etch.
Those of you that have already built a WnW
kit will seen a lot that is familiar, the runners
that supply the two Daimler-Mercedes D.III
engines having been seen previously in
number of kits. Despite that, moulding quality
on these older parts is still fl awless and thanks
to their generic nature, you will also have
much to add to the spares’ box, including 8
propellers and the bulk of two engines! The
rest of the kit follows suit. Moulded in their
now familiar pale grey plastic, the kit is split
over the fi ve runners that I mentioned earlier

  • one for the wings, one for the fuselage inner
    section, one for the remaining fuselage details
    and then two identical runners that deal with
    the huge fl oats and the complex struts and
    engine nacelles.
    Detail is every bit as impressive as you
    would expect it to be. It’s hard to imagine more
    comprehensively detailed aircraft kits than WnW
    offerings and here they have continued with
    that hard-earned reputation. The interior for
    instance is complete beneath the open areas
    for crew access, with all manner of structural
    members, controls and weapons stowage, all
    present and correct. Though predominantly
    moulded in plastic, etch is also supplied for the
    seat straps, clear plastic offering optional nose
    windows depending on which period you chose
    to model your sole aircraft from. Digging a little
    deeper, you soon become aware of the size
    of the model, but that size is offset by some
    wonderfully delicate surface detail that will be
    fun to paint and then accentuate as the project
    proceeds. I was particularly taken with the wing
    ribs and the stitching under the fuselage, as
    was I, the depiction of the leather seat cushions
    within the cockpit. It is the attention to details
    such as these that I admire most about WnW’s
    approach to their kits and why, when I have had
    a go at one, they are such fun to build and paint.
    Construction of this model will not be overly
    easy, but you are guided through any possible
    pitfalls as clearly as you could hope for.

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