Scale Military Modeller International – September 2019

(Romina) #1

Another detail I should mention is that
being 3D printed, the tolerances are very,
very tight. Each part its perfectly on the
other, so you actually don’t need to ix any
joints or holes while dry itting. But you must
take the paint thickness into account, and
that changes everything. When the igure
is fully painted (in my case) we are talking
about primer, base paint, ilters, contrast,
varnishes, weathering - about ifteen to
twenty layers of paint. That is why you
need to ix the arm joints last, and
fully painted. You can choose to
glue everything before painting
and have less work ixing any gaps,
but that is not how I like to work.
I ind it easier to paint the smaller
details separately and add them
to the inished igure. All I can
say here is that this igures from
Andrea is just amazing!

3d printed
S c a l e 1:16 / DAK Panzer Pioneer

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