Saturday Magazine – August 24, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

are a bit dull for the rest of
the year. But if you train a
late-flowering clematis
through them, they erupt
in late summer with
flowers of a different hue,
making them a much more
enticing prospect.
Hang on a minute, you’re
thinking. I know what clematis are
like. They make an absolute welter
of growth that looks dead as a
doornail in winter. What’s my
viburnum going to look like?
Ah well, you see, if you choose
varieties of Clematis viticella and
Clematis texensis you will have a
neat way round this. Whereas
most clematis like to be pruned in
February, shortening their
growths to waist or chest height,
these two species, and their
varieties, are happy to be pruned
to ground level in winter. So get

out and see if
you can find
‘Etoile Rose’ with
its rosy pink bells edged with a
paler shade, ‘Princess of Wales’,
a deeper shade of rich pink,
‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’,
with double rosettes of rich
crimson-purple, and ‘Minuet’,
which has pixie hats of white
and purple.
Grow them through as many
shrubs as you want and, suddenly,
the garden you thought was full
to bursting will squeeze in even
more flowers and spread its
season of interest on into late
Pictures: Alamy; Getty Images summer as a result. Magic!

Get clever with

Want more colour? Use late-flowering

clematis to cover the barren branches

of spring-flowering shrubs...



’m all for
making my
garden work
hard for me

  • after all, I
    work hard for it
    most of the year.
    One of the ways I cajole it into
    working overtime is by planting
    clematis. Nothing remarkable in
    that, you might think, but I’m
    not simply talking about clematis
    being trained up a wall or a
    trellis, over a shed in the case
    of Clematis montana, or even
    up a decorative obelisk.
    No. Aside from these
    conventional methods of
    cultivation, I like to give my
    clematis living supports in the
    form of tree branches and
    shrubs. Why? Well, many
    spring-flowering shrubs, such as
    the statuesque Viburnum plicatum,

‘Train clematis
through a
viburnum so
that it erupts in
late summer’

has lovely
nodding bells

clematis looks
stunning grown
through shrubs

has rich pink flowers
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